
'The moment I realised my kids love me no matter how I look.'


Mums are often the ones behind the camera taking the happy snaps.

It’s all too common for women to avoid pictures because of the way they think they look – choosing to take photos of their kids instead of with their kids.

But enough was enough for one mum, who realised she had hardly any photos with her two young sons.

In a post shared on Facebook and Instagram, Victorian woman Simmone Giardina, said when her partner gave her a new camera, she decided to face her anxieties and get in front of the camera – vomit stains and all.

on friday night i got out of the shower to find a surprise waiting for me on the kitchen bench. damo had sneakily bought me a new camera and a beautiful card saying how proud he is of my progress and determination so far with @maxineschallenge one of the many reasons i signed up was because i am so uncomfortable with the way i look and feel that i avoid getting in photos. i’m always behind the camera for a reason and barely have any photos of myself with my boys. i am only four weeks in and although i’m giving it my all, i have to keep reminding myself that leyton and arlo really don’t care what i look like. so here it is, the first photo of us from the new camera and even with no makeup, bed hair, vomit stained clothing, a slight camel toe and all the usual frumpiness and lumpiness, they still absolutely love and adore me and that’s all that really matters ✨ #maxineschallenge16 #wearechallenge

A photo posted by simmone giardina (@simmii) on


“I am so uncomfortable with the way I look and feel that I avoid getting in photos,” Simmone wrote on the post.

“I’m always behind the camera for a reason and barely have any photos of myself with my boys.

“I have to keep reminding myself that Leyton and Arlo really don’t care what I look like.

“So here it is, the first photo of us from the new camera and even with no makeup, bed hair, vomit stained clothing, a slight camel toe and all the usual frumpiness and lumpiness.

“They still absolutely love and adore me and that’s all that really matters.”

The 26-year-old’s Facebook friends have been supportive, with many reminding her she is also a great mum.

One of the gorgeous snaps Simmone takes of her sons, Leyton and Arlo.(Image via Instagram/Simmii)

"Beyond what you look like Simmi (and I believe you are beautiful) you have the hugest heart of gold and are by far the best mumma to those gorgeous boys of yours," one friend said.

Simmone said the feedback had been unexpected, but really nice.

"I don't usually open up too much online or make myself vulnerable so the response and compliments have been very supportive and encouraging," she said.

"I was hesitant to post it, especially the photo of myself but I'm glad I did and hopefully it helps or inspires at least one other mother to get in the photo and just embrace it."

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