You look tired today. Didn’t sleep well last night? Have you been getting to bed early enough?
I’ve been hearing a fair bit of these phrases lately and I’m not thrilled about it.
While it’s true I could do with a few more ZZZs, I’d rather my face look more ‘I bounded out of bed this morning’ than ‘I snoozed through 12 alarms‘. It would appear it’s currently the latter.
We all go through phases in our lives when getting a solid eight hours every night isn’t our highest priority. Between killing it at work, handling your life admin and keeping up with family and friends, switching off and hitting the pillow at a reasonable hour can be a struggle.
Hence, my skin has been looking decidedly dull and lifeless. Thankfully I have a baby face so I don’t have to worry too much about wrinkles (well, just a little, I must admit) and ageing just yet, but I’ll concede it is a tired, cranky baby face at the moment.
So when I first heard about the new Q10 plus C Anti-Wrinkle + Energy Skin Sleep Cream by NIVEA, I was optimistic but also kind of mystified.
The product says it can refresh, brighten and energise your skin while you sleep, meaning all you have to do is slather it on and close your eyes. But what is a sleep cream and can it genuinely help make you look awake when you really, really don’t feel it?