
Getting your kids ready in the morning. Is it ever easy?

Is getting your kids into the car ever easy? Not according to the parents we’ve spoken to.

Everyday it seems like someone’s forgotten their shoes/lunch/backpack. And someone else hasn’t brushed their teeth/combed their hair/eaten breakfast.

Then there’s strapping kids into car seats, dealing with the odd tantrum and then… just when you’re ready to go… sometime needs to go to their toilet.

In this next episode of Back Seat Heroes, comedian and writer Em Rusciano takes us through what it’s like getting her kids ready in the morning.

Check it out.


Sometimes, it’s the moments in the car that can drive quality time between mums and their kids. Our Backseat Heroes Competition looks to celebrate those shared moments.

For the next four weeks, we’re going to be bringing you a video each week about the moments mums share with their kids in the car. There will be a theme for each video and every week we’ll be asking you to share your own memories via social media or in the comments section of the post for your chance to win.

Entry can be via Instagram, Instavideo, Facebook, or Twitter. Whichever one you fancy! Just make sure that your entry is hashtaged as #backseatheroes.

From the great memories you share each week, a winner and a runner up will be chosen to win a cash prize. First place will win a $750 cash card, and the runner up will win a $250 cash card.

Check out the competition details here.


Editor’s note: Before we jump into the challenge theme for this week, we are excited to announce the first place and runner up winners of the Back Seat Heroes challenge from last week.

Thanks to everyone who sent in their entries. The number and quality of the entries makes it very tough to decide on a winner, but we’re looking forward to seeing more from you in the next could of weeks.


Congratulations Tawhi Rickus. You are the winner of our Week 2 Challenge. A $750 cash card will be coming your way.


And congratulations to Kookla123. You are the runner up of our Week 2 Challenge. A $250 cash card will be coming your way.


The entries for this week’s challenge are now officially open. Just tell us about what tricks you have to get your kids out of the house in the morning and remember to use the hashtag #backseatheroes.

Here’s a little taste of the entries that came through last week.

And here are the entries coming through this week:

Editors note: This is just a special note to make sure you’re all staying safe while creating your competition entries. While Mamamia wants you all to have fun with your photos and competition entries, we also want to encourage you to be safe. To read more about the ways you can keep your kids safe around cars, check out this post.

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