
After last night's shock, all of Australia REALLY wants Nikki Gogan and Matty J to happen.

It’s been a bad year for fan favourites of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette franchise alike.

First, there was WA contender Nikki Gogan, who has a knife stabbed into her heart when Richie Strahan was like, “yeah, your bananas just aren’t that cool, sorry.”

He chose fan very-much-not-favourite, 25-year-old Alex Nation.

Loved up and loving it. (Source: Instagram).

And on Thursday, there was Sydneysider Matty Johnson, who physically recoiled when Georgia Love was all, "your teeth just aren't straight enough for a lifetime commitment from me."

She chose Lee Elliott, a man so forgettable he didn't even speak full sentences for 90 percent of his onscreen time.


Ughhhhhhh. Source: Channel 10. 

But right when we were about to go and ask Channel 10 for some counselling services, the internet Gods prevailed, coming up with an ingenious matchmaking idea.

Let's get Nikki Gogan and Matty Johnson together. After all, they're both single, funny, good looking and into reality TV shows... successful relationships have been built on less.

"New plan. Nikki, meet Matty J," one viewer tweeted.

MATTY J, GO FIND NIKKI," another implored the 29-year-old.

"Has anyone introduced Matty J to Nikki?" one Tweeter asked.

"Quick, someone give Matty J Nikki's phone number," another commented.

Someone asked, "Can someone please introduce Nikki to Matty J?"

"Nikki and Matty should get together," another wrote.

"Nikki and Matty J are gonna make the cayuuteeest revenge babies," one viewer hilariously predicted.

So while we may be a fickle nation of people who really bloody love a runner-up (hi, Shannon Noll) we also seem to be able to rally the troops pretty quickly when it comes to matchmaking.

So, ahem... Channel 10. This is your cue to do some awkward exchanging of numbers.

We're ready for Mr and Mrs J to live happily ever after, thanks.

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