
“Four ways I changed my night time routine for the better.”

Thanks to our brand partner, Olay

We’re constantly being told that the way we start our day will determine how fruitful it turns out to be. In my case, it’s the way I’m spending my evenings that’s letting the team down.

Despite the hundreds of stories yelling at me to “stop looking at your phone right before bed, Edwina” and “meditate before you hit the sack, silly” my night time routine has fallen by the wayside.

It usually consists of four components: 1) get home and make dinner. 2) Sit on the couch post-dinner eating chocolate for way longer than is necessary. 3) Realise it’s late so quickly wash my face and slap on moisturiser. 4) Lie in bed staring at my Instagram feed willing it to update until I turn out the light.

Not exactly relaxing or conducive to great sleep (or a good mood the following morning), is it? In a quest to make my night time routine a little less slapdash and a little more serene; I’ve made four small changes that have made a big difference.

1. Tea, tea, tea, tea, tea.

You know when you go to get a massage and in the waiting room they hand you one of those delicious, steamy herbal teas that smell amazing? I decided to incorporate THAT lovely ritual into my everyday routine. I must say, there’s nothing more cosy than pouring a cup of chamomile tea (which has fabulous calming qualities) to remind me that it’s time to wind down.


Chamomile tea. Is there anything more soothing? Image: Pexels.

2. Use my brain.

A usual night after a hectic day at work can pass in a blur when you become at one with the couch, TV and Snapchat.

To break my monotonous cycle, I decided to learn French. My gorgeous niece has started classes and I’ve always wanted to learn a language, so why not start now? I’ve downloaded a couple of apps and do around five minutes most nights. I’m pretty awful, but it’s fascinating and so much more fulfilling than my Facebook newsfeed could ever be. Plus, now I can order a jambon et fromage baguette with ease when I'm in Paris next...

3. Revamp my beauty routine.

Due to a leaky hot tap I haven’t got around to fixing, I generally try to wash my face and rush through my evening skincare routine before the frostbite from the cold water kicks in. Not anymore.

Seeing as Olay was the first moisturiser I ever used, I decided to introduce my skin to their latest innovation - the Olay Regenerist Overnight Miracle, three products formulated to work with the skin’s daily repair rhythm. Turns out skin and Olay get along like a house on fire.


After washing my face, I now apply Olay Regenerist Miracle Boost Youth Pre-Essence. What in mascara’s name is an essence, you ask? Picture it like this: If your night cream is a large, delicious glass of antioxidant rich red wine, essence is a shot-glass full of the highly-concentrated good stuff.

And nothing short of. Image:

I applied the auto-dropper measured dose to the back of my hand and then gently worked it into my face and neck. I usually skip essences and get straight to moisturiser but I’m glad I didn’t - the potent mix of Niacinamide (to help with skin renewal), Olivem (an antioxidant from olive oil) and peptides (pro-collagen molecules) really helped to plump my skin. It drank it in like a pina colada on a tropical holiday.


After this, I slathered Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Night Cream, which has a gel-like texture, as opposed to traditional, heavier night creams, over my face, neck and chest (their Micro-Sculpting Day Cream is just as lush but comes in a velvety consistency that makes it perfect for use in the a.m.).

Our skin’s natural repair rhythm decreases as we age, but Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Night Cream combined with the Miracle Boost Youth Pre-Essence helps our skin renew itself twice as fast after just five nights of using it... Packed with Niacinamide, Olivem, peptides, lyslastine (for elasticity), Hyaluronic Acid and glycerol (an absolute essential if you’ve found your skin is Sahara dry this winter), it’s very kind to post-winter skin.

And you know what? There’s something really nice about taking the time to give your face a little love, a little massage, a little care. The next day my skin felt soft and plump, which was definitely a welcome change.

4. Read.

I decided to cease all Insta-stalking from 9pm onwards - now there’s zero phone-scrolling happening in the boudoir. This means I am FORCED to pick up the book I’ve been reading for, well, quite some time now. The upside? It’s actually a damn good book and reading rather than staring at my iPhone mindlessly means that I feel a more serene and ready to float off to sleep.

 The verdict?

My night routine is just as important as my morning routine for setting myself, my mental health, and my skin up for a positive day ahead. Bonne nuit!

How do you treat your skin at night?

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