
NICKY: The biggest beauty mistake (that we ALL make).

The filthy make up brushes from the MM team, btw the photo doesn’t do the filth justice. Okay, some of these are mine -Nicky.







You can blame the copious amounts of Easter egg chocolate you’ve consumed in the last 24/48 hours/three years for the pimples and whiteheads breaking out on your face but I’ve got some news for you (don’t panic – it’s good news).

They’re more likely to be caused from the make up brushes you haven’t washed since 1998. And the ones inside the make up compacts? I’m guessing they’ve never ever seen the tap.

Am I right?

Don’t worry, I’m not judging, because I’m also firmly in the 1998 camp. And I should know better, way better.

For the record you should wash your brushes at the very least fortnightly and eyeliner brushes should be washed daily to avoid any kind of eye infection.

Yes, there’s lots of shoulds going on but guess what there’s a really easy solution to the problem –wait for it – just wash ‘em. Back when I was in the make up game we used one of two options 1) A non-allergic soap like Sunlight or Billie Goats will do the trick or 2) a spray on brush cleaner.

If you’re going for the cheaper, slightly more time consuming option, first wet the brushes with warm water then rub over a cake of soap. Work the lather between your fingertips then rinse and leave to dry on a towel. *If you haven’t washed them say, ever, you may need to repeat this step twice to get the build up out.

But for the time-poor/cash-rich/lazy among us this nifty little product from Mecca is genius.

Mecca Cosmetica Brush With Success – Conditioning Brush Cleaner comes in under $25 and can be used on natural and synthetic brushes. Just spray it on and gently wipe away excess on a tissue until no residue remains. Let it dry before you apply make up – so this one’s best used after you’ve applied your make up, and not when you’ve got two minutes to do eyeliner and are rushing out of the house.

Are you an avid brush washer? Or are you like the rest of us who only occasionally dabble in the arts of cleanliness when it comes to make up brushes?

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