reality tv

Well well well. It looks like the Honey Badger saga is far from over.

In a move that has social media users jumping on opportunistic jokes about Nick Cummins’ commitment issues, the Honey Badger has pulled the plug on planned appearances for his national book tour – but will appear on The Sunday Project a second time to answer the public’s questions.

His book, The Honey Badger Guide To Life, went on sale last Tuesday – just days after the former Bachelor returned from Papua New Guinea where he was confronted by A Current Affair in the wake of the program’s disastrous finale.

In case you missed it (pls), he picked no-one.


We’re going to stop ourselves there because we’re just starting to recover from the entire debacle and our therapists would advise against opening up old wounds.

We also can’t really understand what Nick Cummins is ever actually saying. Post continues after video.


The book, released by Pan Macmillan, was timed to hit shelves just after the Bachelor finale aired. Timing that would have been considered a marketing department’s dream at the time, that has now caused chaos.

The Honey Badger Guide To Life (which sounds more terrifying each time you say it out loud) has already required a last minute Ctrl+Z on “love tips” included in its pages. That’s right – it was initially called The Honey Badger Guide To Life (and Love) with a whole chapter dedicated to love advice.


According to NewsCorp, Nick reportedly bailed at the last-minute from planned book signings this weekend at Big W in two NSW locations.

Mamamia was unable to get hold of Nick’s publicist despite attempts to call and email, but both shopping centres posted messages confirming the cancellation to their Facebook pages.

“We’re sorry to break the news but wish to advise that Nick Cummins’ appearance/book signing of The Honey Badger Guide To Life scheduled for today in Big W has unfortunately been cancelled,” Erina Fair Shopping Centre wrote on its Facebook page this morning.

And this message was posted on the Warringah Mall page:

“Unfortunately Nick Cummins aka The Honey Badger, has had to cancel today’s book signing at Big W Westfield Warringah Mall. Ah shucks Nick, now we know how those Bachelorettes felt,” the post read.


Social media users were quick to criticise ‘Ol Badge in the comments – calling the move “disappointing”, “predictable”, “dodgy” and labelling him a “loser”. One even went as far as calling him an “insult to honey badgers” and woah, way to hit him where it hurts.

“Calling himself a honey badger is an insult to honey badgers. They’re fierce & loyal & will rip you to shreds if you cross them. This guys a wuss,” our favourite comment read.

Look – we feel you, but we kinda don’t blame him for wanting to avoid the wrath of the Australian public.

We’re kinda…scary.

Nick was hounded by photographers on his return to Brisbane last Thursday, telling media: “It was six months ago mate … I think we’re all over it … I think you need to get over it.”


He was also, you know, viciously accosted by A Current Affair when the program decided to chase him into the depths of the jungle to demand answers on behalf of the nation.

That’s not…normal.

Nick Cummins will appear opposite Lisa Wilkinson for the second time on The Sunday Project tonight, to answer all our Bachelor questions and shed some light on what it’s like to be chased by ACA in your dressing gown.


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So this week, The Bachelor, Nick Cummins, was bounced by A Current Affair after walking The Kokoda Track for charity, like some sort of dodgy electrician who’d been caught ripping off old-aged pensioners… So tonight, on The Sunday Project, The Honey Badger will join us at the desk to answer your questions and, most particularly, once and for all the question so many feel he hasn’t yet fully answered: why he walked away from choosing one final contestant in his (and their) search for lasting love… Maybe then, we can all get some sleep. (With apologies to Jack Thompson.)???? The Bachelor AND Bradley Cooper, 6.30pm tonight, #Channel10. #thesundayproject @theprojecttv @nickbadger @tendailyau #bachelorau #thehoneybadger #nickcummins #thebachelor

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Maybe finally, we’ll get some answers.

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