
Canberra couple who want to divorce are having a terrible weekend.

What were you expecting?

This week a couple from Canberra vowed to divorce if same-sex marriage were to be legalised. They had their reasons. Earlier this week the couple said, “When we signed the contract 10 years ago we made a contract with the state about what marriage is, which was husband and wife, fundamental order of creation, part of God’s intimate story for human history, man and woman for the sake of children.”

Here’s what Mia thought: Dear Bigoted Couple Who Want To Divorce To Protest Gay Marriage…

But as it turns out, they didn’t really bother to look into the legalities of that no-doubt-very-seriously-thought-out contract they entered into.

Nick and Sarah Jensen. Image via Facebook.

According to the ABC, the Family Law Act states that an application for divorce will only be considered if the two individuals have separated and lived separately for a continuous period of at least 12 months.

So, if the couple love each other and want to keep living together, as they say, then unfortunately, they won’t be able to make their protest divorce happen.

Family lawyer Denis Farrar said, “It surprises me that any sensible person would make such a threat, because you can’t get a divorce unless you’ve been separated for 12 months.”

Mr Farrar, we’re not surprised. If we had to describe the Jensen’s in one word, well, it wouldn’t be sensible.


Despite the fact that the Jensen’s can’t legally do what they’ve threatened, the Canberra couple is charging ahead. Yes, they will continue to prove the sanctity of marriage to all of Australia by vowing to throw it away willy-nilly – it’s the only reasonable thing to do.

But it’s not winning them any friends. Actually, it’s losing them a few.

The Jensen’s on the cover of Canberra City News.

In another not-so-surprising turn of events, a long time friend, Annie Haggar, has now uninvited the couple from her upcoming wedding.

In a letter from Ms Haggar published by Adelaide Now she said, “I don’t want you anywhere near my wedding. You and your views are not welcome, because you’re right — the institution we’re marrying into isn’t the same one you think you’re in.”

She added, “And I’m pretty sure the consequences of your actions this week are going to mean more to you than to anyone else.”

We would have to agree: Mr and Ms Jensen, whether you stay married or divorce is your decision – a decision you are fortunate enough to be able to make.

But either way: Australia isn’t listening.


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A couple will divorce if same-sex marriage is legalised.

Dear Bigoted Couple Who Want To Divorce To Protest Gay Marriage…

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