
How a mysterious 'perfect stranger' saved this young Aussie's life in Nice.

Adelaide Stratton was walking with a group of Australian travel companions along the busy Promenade de Anglais on Thursday, when a 19-tonne truck ploughed through the crowd, separating her from her friends.

The 22-year-old was one of those seriously injured in the Nice attack, in which more than 84 people died, and her fate could have been much worse if not for kindness of the “complete stranger” who came to her aid.

The family of the young Sydney woman, who is still recovering in hospital unable to speak, have praised the local man who stayed by her side until paramedics could get to her.

Adelaide Stratton was seriously injured in the Nice attack. Source: Facebook

"I believe a complete stranger stayed with her in the initial stages after she was injured and then went in the ambulance and, bless him, he has been at the hospital most days since," family friend Debbie Cook told a group of reporters gathered outside the hospital, adding that Stratton was "getting better" every day.

Debbie described the rescuer as a "french man and perfect stranger".

"At this time, our focus is on Adelaide's recovery," she said. 

"Like any family, we want our vibrant 22-year-old to bounce back from this awful experience and continue on with the wonderful life she has ahead of her."


One of Stratton's friends Marcus Anderson was also injured in the attack, suffering a punctured lung, broken ribs, damaged feet and a gunshot wound to his arm.

The 23-year-old, who is also from Sydney, was knocked down by the truck and shot by the driver.

His girlfriend Bridget De Jong — who was also travelling with with the group — shared a touching photo of the moment they reunited in hospital on Saturday.

Bridget De Jong and Marcus Anderson. Source: Facebook

"There were just so many bodies and there were not enough people to help. Luckily these two people came and helped me," he told The Daily Telegraph, describing himself as "one of the lucky ones".

De Jong joked on social media saying one of his first requests was that she checked "the NRL score".


Survivor Marcus Anderson said he was "one of the lucky ones". Source: Facebook

Anderson's father told the paper the family were relieved to know their son wasn't alone.

"There was someone looking after him that night, we’re very relieved and I think he was very lucky in the circumstances," he said.



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