I was smacked as a child. I suspect most people over the age of 30 were. It was simply the ‘done’ thing back then.
Nobody questioned it.
I was smacked for being cheeky, for breaking things, for getting dirty, for everything.
I also grew up feeling lonely and distant from my parents. I remember a constant sick feeling in my stomach. I was anxiety-ridden. Clearly, I wasn’t the kind of child who responded well to smacking.
New research released this week, suggests that there is a link between being smacked as a child and mental illness later in life.
According to the LA Times:
A child who is spanked, slapped, grabbed or shoved as a form of punishment runs a higher risk of becoming an adult who suffers from a wide range of mental and personality disorders, even when that harsh physical punishment was occasional and when the child experienced no more extreme form of violence or abuse at the hands of a parent or caregiver, says a new study.
Among adults who reported harsh physical punishment short of physical or sexual abuse, psychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety disorders, mania and drug or alcohol dependency were between 2% and 5% more common. And more complex psychiatric illnesses marked by paranoia, antisocial behavior, emotional dependency and narcissism were between 4% and 7% more likely, according to the study published in the journal Pediatrics.
The increase in mental disorders among those who were hit or physically punished as children was seen even in families where no family dysfunction or clear evidence of parental mental illness was reported, suggesting that the higher risk of psychiatric woes was not necessarily genetically inherited. Even those who reported harsh physical punishment on a “sometimes” basis were at elevated risk of developing psychiatric disease in adulthood.
Dr Phil once said we can’t protect our kids from pain and distress, we can only teach them to cope with pain and distress. As a mother I want to focus on protecting them from pain and teaching them to cope with pain and distress. I don’t want to inflict it.
There are so many other disciplinary methods to use – time outs, restricting activities…and they all work quite well for me most of the time.