
Sunday's news in less than five minutes.

The latest news headlines from Australia and around the world.

1. Domestic violence is on the rise in Queensland.

By Kym Agius for ABC News.

There are on average 180 domestic violence incidents in Queensland each day and a new report makes 140 recommendations to protect victims and hold abusers to account.

The “Not now, Not ever” report was handed down by domestic violence taskforce chair former Governor-General Quentin Bryce, who was alarmed by the statistics.

In Queensland, the number of reported incidents to Queensland police increased from 58,000 in 2011-12 to 66,000 in 2013-14, equating to more than 180 incidents every day.

In 2012-13, there were 17 homicides.

“They (the statistics) are shocking, but do not do full justice to the trauma we have heard about from survivors,” Mr Bryce said when giving the report to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

“Their stories could have come from war zones.

Image via Twitter.

“Stories of women brutalised, raped, beaten, controlled, isolated.”

The taskforce travelled across Queensland over the last five months interviewing survivors to get personal insights into the trauma.

The report makes 140 recommendations, which Ms Bryce said sets out a model for service responses than can quickly protect victims and hold perpetrators to account.

It recommended a specialist domestic and family violence court with specialist magistrates.


Read more: “Domestic violence occurs in every class and community.”

The report said the Government should also create a prevention strategy, introduce tougher penalties as well as a new charge of non-lethal strangulation.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said her Government would consider all the recommendations.

“Domestic and family violence is a violation of basic human rights and there is no excuse for not acting to eliminate it,” she said.

A version of this story was originally published on ABC and has been republished with full permission.

2. Reports Julie Bishop will run for Liberal leader if there is a leadership spill.

According to Sunday Telegraph, Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull will both stand for Liberal leadership in the event of a spill motion. Supporters of Julie Bishop say that the mood among MPs and Senators is that they want a choice between candidates if there is spill, rather than a “fait accompli”.

While candidates have quashed any talk that a challenge may come as soon as next week, they have admitted that the situation is “unpredictable.”

It could become a three-way contest.

When Tony Abbott was asked if he is concerned that Julie Bishop may contest if the position is vacant, he said, “Well, look, I don’t expect that opportunity to arise.”

Trade Minister Andrew Robb does not support a spill, but has also not ruled out running if the position becomes vacant. That would likely spark a three-way contest between the candidates.


3. Jacqui Lambie has received a beheading threat.

By Tyson Shine from ABC News.

A letter threatening to behead Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie unless she helps implement Sharia law in Australia has sparked a security assessment at the outspoken independent’s office.

The letter was received at the Senator’s Burnie office last week and included threats to behead the former Palmer United Party senator unless she convert to Islam and help implement Sharia law by March 18.

It was accompanied by graphic images of a man being beheaded, which prompted the Senator’s office to treat the threats seriously.

“By the powers invested in me by Allah, I sentence you to death,” the letter said.

Read more: Jacqui Lambie wants to bring back the death penalty.

“I will take the honour in beheading you … when you are least prepared; my men and I will take your office by surprise.”

Senator Lambie has been a vocal critic of Islamic Sharia law, but a spokesman says the death-threats will not deter her.

“My office received this death threat letter last Friday. It was accompanied by 3 glossy photographs, one of which showed a close up shot of a man’s head being cut off,” she said in a statement.

“Obviously someone is trying to intimidate and scare me. I will not be intimidated or scared.

“I will continue to advocate for a ban on Sharia Law, unnecessary face coverings in public and tighter regulation of Halal certification fees in Australia – and to have those Australian Citizens who assist Islamic State in any way, charged with the high crimes of Sedition or Treason.”

Jacqui Lambie.

A personal security assessment is being done to ensure the safety of Senator Lambie following the letter, the spokesman said.

The letter specifically mentioned a controversial proposal to build a mosque at Green Fields in Adelaide’s northern suburbs.

“Police are investigating two lines of inquiry,” the spokesman said.

A version of this story was originally published on ABC and has been republished with full permission.

4. Public school principals crack down on family holidays during the term.

New rules are being introduced that will prevent a child taking time off school unless they are competing in an elite sport, arts or in the entertainment industry – but there is no exemption for parents taking children out of school for holidays.

Sport will be considered acceptable to take time off school.

The NSW Department of Education’s new attendance policy says most family trips outside school holidays will now count as an “unjustified” absence on a student’s permanent record.

Parents who want to take their children out of school need to present an itinerary of the trip, copies of plane tickets and a justification of the benefits the trip will have on the child.

A spokesman for the department said the change, which removes “family holidays and travel” as a formal reason for a child being absent, was to ensure students were at school “every day they are able”.


Read more: 6 ways to tell if your child is struggling at school.

The president of the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council, Lila Mularczyk, said family holidays during school time were “penalising the education of children”.

Family holidays during school time are considered to be ‘unnecessary.’

“I think it is really significant that parents and students understand the importance of coherent and consistent education,” said Ms Mularczyk, who is also principal of Merrylands High.

“Principals have been concerned about families taking unnecessary holidays and, wherever possible, families should travel in vacation time. Parents absolutely want the best for their children, and principals welcome and support any strategy that engages students.”

5. New statistics reveal that men are the worse drivers.

Men account for 70 per cent of all speeding, mobile phone, seatbelt and drink driving offences in Victoria.

The Sunday Herald Sun obtained Victoria Police traffic fines data that shows a far greater proportion of men continue to defy police warnings and rack up costly fines.

An analysis of the figures reveals more than two-thirds of all road fines are handed out to men.

Stats reveal that male drivers are less safe than women.

In the past three financial years, a total of 549,512 male drivers were caught drunk, not wearing a seatbelt, using their phone, failing to wear a seatbelt or ensure their passengers wore one, and drinking alcohol while behind the wheel. For the same offences, police nabbed 224,846 women.

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