
News: Molly still critical, next 24 hours 'life and death'

Molly Meldrum: critical

Molly Meldrum undergoes surgery, still critical

Music identity Molly Meldrum underwent surgery last night after falling several metres in his own home trying to put up Christmas decorations. He was in a coma last night as doctors attempted to relieve pressure on his brain. He also suffered several broken ribs. His brother was reportedly by his bedside. The star is undergoing a brain scan today to see how he is doing after surgery, but doctors warned the next 24 hours would be a matter of life or death. Well wishes have been pouring in around the country from the Prime Minister and Molly’s numerous celebrity friends.

Golden Globe nominations out, but no sure bets

Everybody’s favourite (right?) Ryan Gosling has been nominated for Best Actor twice – in comedy for Crazy, Stupid, Love and in drama for The Ides of March and Leonardo DiCaprio who is in Australia filming The Great Gatsby has been nominated for Best Actor in a drama for J.Edgar. The Best Actress nominations in drama went to Tilda Swinton for We Need to Talk About Kevin and Meryl Streep, predticably, for her stunning turn in The Iron Lady. Viola Davis from The Help was also nominated. Kristen Wiig received a nod for Best Actress in a comedy for Bridesmaids. That’s just some of the list, for the complete details hit the link above.

But, we have our favourites here in the MM office. And it just happens to be the charmeriffic Gosling. It has absolutely nothing to do with these pictures:

Mobile Internet users through the roof

The number of Australians who use their mobile phone to access the Internet has now reached 4 million – up 63 per cent from last year. That’s a dramatic rise. The information was released by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

According to the SMH: The emerging mobile telecommunications report found that 1.55 million people in June used their mobile phone to access social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, while 751,000 used their phones to do banking or pay bills.


More than 550,000 people streamed videos or movies, 304,000 streamed audio, 274,000 used a VoIP (voice over internet protocol) service and 100,000 used their mobile phone for online shopping.

There are more mobile phones than people in Australia. Are you a fan of yours?

Giuliana Rancic

Giuliana Rancic undergoes double mastectomy

E! News host Giuliana Rancic, diagnosed with breast cancer in October at the age of 36, has been operated on to remove both her breasts. Husband bill said the surgery had gone as well as it could. “Her surgery lasted about four hours and the doctors were very pleased with the result. She had a little bit of pain through the night but is feeling much better this morning and was cracking jokes.” Giuliana tweeted: “I want to thank all the viewers and fans for their support and prayers,” she said. “The tweets and notes have not gone unnoticed. I am very grateful.”

Bill Gates talks charities and Steve Jobs

Once the world’s richest man with a $60 billion fortune, Bill Gates left Microsoft (the company he founded) to concentrate full-time on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which he and his wife say will eventually give away 90 per cent of his wealth. In a recent interview, Mr Gates said he wouldn’t be going back to Microsoft even though he consults occasionally. He also answered questions about the harsh criticisms he had received from Steve Jobs over the years. “Microsoft machines outsold his machines by a lot he was always kind of tough on Microsoft, but that’s fine, he was a brilliant person” Steve Jobs had said: “He has never invented anything, which is why I think he’s more comfortable now in philanthropy than technology. He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.”

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