
8 Monday news bites, for a headstart on the week

Breaking gender stereotypes…with her fist.



Well hey there chilly Monday morning! It might be cold outside and the start of the working week, but Mamamia has tried to make things a little easier for you.

Here’s the news you can use without having to read the rest of it. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’ll get you across the basics while you try and wake up. The weekend seems so far ago…

1. Dad says it was OK to let his daughter kickbox. She’s 8.

Eight-year-old Jasmine Parr cried before she had to fight her seven-year-old opponent on the Gold Coast because she was scared of her. Her nickname was ‘Punchout’ after all. But Jasmine’s dad, John Wayne Par didn’t have a problem with pushing his little princess into the vicious sport. He said she became bored with dancing. Well, one thing is for sure…Muay Thai Kickboxing is not boring. Thoughts?

2. US could withdraw troops from Afghanistan earlier than expected.

Look, we know these stories on withdrawing troops from Afghanistan are the new ‘possible cancer cure’ stories…they seem to crop up every second day, but it seems there is some concrete progress being made in weakening Al-Qaeda networks in Afghanistan. Apparently 20 of the terror network’s 30 higher ranking leaders have been terminated in the last year and things are looking up. The US is also holding talks with the Taliban – the first in 10 years of war – as Obama mulls beginning the staged withdrawal of America’s 100,000 troops from July next year. Time will tell.

3. QLD backs gay marriage push.

The Australian Labor Party (Queensland branch) backed the push for same sex marriage at its state conference yesterday. The policy shift calls on Federal Labor to make the change at the upcoming national conference in December.


4. Burning bathers.

A woman in the US is suing after the wire in her togs (cossies, bathers, whatever) over-heated while she was sun-bathing and gave her third degree burns. Doctors had to remove a small piece of flesh from one of her breasts that had blistered so badly. Ouch.









Oh, how sweet.








5. THAT riot kiss couple won’t cash in on fame.

Now there’s a refreshing turn of events! Remember seeing that riot photo in our Pics of the Week last Friday? Well, turns out the fellow Scott Jones is from Perth and he was kissing his girlfriend Alexandra Thomas to calm her after she was knocked to the ground in the rioting. And after all that fame – and talk of $10 million worth of possible money to be made – he said all they want to do right now is continue on the holidays they have already planned. Sweet.

6. Abbott plans to force $69 million referendum on carbon tax…within 90 days.

Tony Abbott has long said the Government has no mandate to introduce a carbon tax and, assuming he’s not bluffing, will today try and put the pieces in order to force a referendum on the matter where the nation will have to vote yay or nay instead.

Kate and her favourite blue coat.

Polling suggests the carbon tax is one of the least liked pieces of public policy in recent years, so it’s a fairly safe bet the nation would vote ‘no’. Whatever happens for the Opposition, it needs to happen soon as the Greens will take the balance of power in the Senate from July 1.

7. Government to be investigated over human rights failures of David Hicks.

The United Nations has been called on to investigate the Australian and US Governments over concerns it failed to protect David Hicks’ right to a fair trial and right to remain free from torture. He says he was brutally bashed while Prime

Minister Gillard says there was never any evidence he was. Hicks was charged with providing material support to terrorism in 2003.

8. Duchess Catherine says she is ‘not a clothes horse’ and will wear outfits more than once.

YES! We think we just fell even more in love with Will’s new bride. A few weeks ago she wore her favourite jacket to an event. We know, right? How. Very. Dare she. ‘Royal watchers’ came out (just who are these royal watchers anyway?) and gave her what for after the ‘faux pas’, which made Kate a little understandably miffed. She pointed out, correctly, that she is not a fashion model and that austerity is not a bad thing from someone in the royal family. Couldn’t agree more. In slightly related news, you can grab an almost perfect replica of Pippa Middleton’s maid of honour dress from Cue. Hop to it!

Mia also does her weekly Today Show segment on Monday’s with Karl, take a look at what they discussed on What’s Making News:

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