Hugging a toilet bowl in a fluorescent lit bathroom in a hotel in Los Angles, was where I found out I was first pregnant.
Overwhelmed with excitement and waves of nausea I composed myself enough to let the reality sink in. I was pregnant and in the US – surely this was the perfect opportunity to buy everything I needed for the baby. Sadly, I didn’t quite know what I needed, so we came home with too many plush toys from Disneyland and too many pairs of newborn jeans.
Back home and one look from my mum into my suitcase of purchases was all it took to know that I had to get organised. I had anticipated this little baby coming into our lives for so long, I wanted everything to be just right when he was born.
So here is my newborn baby essentials checklist:
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Big W. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
1. Car seat.
You can’t leave home without it and can’t leave hospital without it. Never compromise safety and make sure the seat meets current legislation.
2. Pram or stroller.
This is the equivalent of buying your first car. Shop around, test drive and buy the one you love that fits your budget.
3. Nappy bag.
Time to trade in your cute, snakeskin clutch for an oversized, carry-all-the-things nappy bag. I made the conservative decision to buy one in black, just so it was Daddy-friendly as well.
4. Sling or baby carrier.
You may have no idea how to get in or out of one, but it just may save your sanity one day. There were some weeks of teething hell where I could only settle my son by keeping him in his baby carrier all day, even around the house.
5. Baby monitor.
Many new mums may argue that once baby sleeps they also sleep. I didn’t. I rushed around trying to get washing done or quickly eat some lunch. So a baby monitor was essential to stop me from constantly peeking into his room to check if he was ok.