
News in 5: Cruel reason mum died in Bali; William Tyrrell development; Perth boys drown in chase.

1. Mum dies in Bali on her second honeymoon after insurance company refuses to bring her home.

Abby Hartley and her husband Richard were on what was supposed to be a romantic trip to Bali to renew their wedding vows.

But days in, the New Zealand mum was fighting for her life in hospital with complications from a twisted bowel. There, in an Indonesian hospital, she died on Sunday, after her travel insurance company refused to pay for the medical evacuation that would take her home.

The 41-year-old was hospitalised in early August after falling ill the day after she arrived for her second honeymoon. The small business owner was diagnosed with a twisted bowel and operated on, according to Nine News. But in hospital, she suffered complications, including kidney failure and septicaemia.

Ms Hartley next developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and was placed in an induced coma, also battling with a collapsed lung caused by infection.

Her family – including her children Sophie, 20, and 16-year-old Toby, who flew to be by her side – fought to get their travel insurance company to pay for her medical treatment, but they refused, saying her illness was related to a pre-existing condition.

But they did not give up on trying to bring their loved one home, and next appealed to the New Zealand government, as well as the public, who donated more than $215,000 through a fundraising page.

The money raised was enough to pay for medical bills and the $168,000 flight home, but Ms Hartley never got to board. Her grieving family announced she died on Sunday.

“On Sunday morning 8.55am Bali time mum let go after fighting and fighting a very long battle,” Sophie wrote on their GiveaLittle page.


“Dad and Toby were by mum’s side until her last breath.

“Mum is at peace now and we are extremely grateful for the many years of joy and love mum bought us. She will forever be held in our memories and hearts and without a doubt she will make her presence known when she is watching over us.

“We did everything we could and had to do to help mum fight and get her home.

“We would like to thank everyone for all of your love and support, it has made everything that little bit easier.”

2. William Tyrrell’s case has been handed to the coroner for an inquest.

Image: AAP.

The case of missing NSW boy William Tyrrell is to be handed to the coroner and an inquest has been proposed for next year.

On the fourth anniversary of William's disappearance, NSW Police announced that investigators have been speaking with the coroner and an inquest before Deputy NSW Coroner Harriet Grahame has been proposed.

In a statement, NSW Police said investigators in the case "would like to acknowledge the continued strength and courage of William Tyrrell's families today.

"Over the past year, investigators have continued to explore lines of inquiry in an effort to find out what happened to William, including a large-scale forensic search," it said.

The deputy coroner has requested a brief of evidence, the statement said, which would be provided by the end of the year.

The inquest will be "an opportunity to test information and evidence gathered by Strike Force Rosann and further the investigation.

"This is another step in ensuring answers are provided to William's loved ones," the statement said.

William was playing in his grandmother's yard at Kendall on the NSW mid north coast when he vanished on September 12, 2014.

He was three.


Despite a large-scale search, no trace of him has been found.

Listen to The Quicky debrief on the truth about William Tyrrell's parents, and what happened after the three-year-old's disappearance. Post continues below.

3. Two Perth teenagers have drowned during a police chase.

Two teenage Aboriginal boys have drowned in Perth's Swan River after diving in to evade police, with the tragedies to be treated the same as deaths in custody.


As police pursued five boys on foot following reports of teenagers jumping fences in suburban Maylands on Monday afternoon, four of them jumped into the water.

Police captured two, but the other two were seen struggling in the middle of the river and did not resurface, sparking an immediate and desperate search.

The first body was recovered on Monday night and the second was discovered on Tuesday morning.

The search continued amid fears a third boy had drowned as he was last seen running on the riverbank, but police confirmed he was safe with family on Tuesday afternoon.

A coroner will hold an inquest into the deaths, which will be treated with the same seriousness as a death in custody, Mr Dawson said.

Aboriginal Legal Service chief executive Dennis Eggington urged the state government to put extra resources into the investigation, saying the vast majority of the Noongar community would be in mourning.

"I haven't seen this level of grief, bordering on anger, but certainly grief and pain for a long, long time," Mr Eggington told the ABC.

He said the boys would have been "absolutely in terror, running frightened and hitting the river, and being in more trouble and being more frightened", while the survivors would be "scarred for the rest of their lives".

Aboriginal activist Herbert Bropho told Nine news he held police responsible for the deaths.

Mr Dawson said the fatalities were "nothing short of a tragedy".


4. PM admits women are under-represented in Liberal party - but doesn't think quotas are the solution.

Scott Morrison is no longer facing the threat of a Liberal Senator naming colleagues who bullied her in parliament.

But he's still faced with the daunting task of helping to boost the number of women in his party, amid a debate on how that should best be done.

South Australian senator Lucy Gichuhi had threatened to use parliamentary privilege to publicly out colleagues accused of bullying and intimidation during last month's Liberal leadership crisis.


She backed down from the commitment on Tuesday after speaking with the prime minister, saying she's left him to deal with the issue.

"Regarding bullying in my political career: Yesterday I had a discussion with Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The Prime Minister has taken up the issue," Senator Gichuhi posted to Twitter on Tuesday.

Mr Morrison says Senator Gichuhi has told him the leadership was not at the heart of the issue, but there were other issues at play such as how party divisions are handled.

"She made it very clear to me that in terms of the events in Canberra, and the spill of the leadership, she told me very plainly that she was not bullied by anybody here in Canberra in relation to that matter," he told ABC TV on Tuesday.

His comments come as discussion continues on how the party can boost the number of women in its ranks, with women currently making up less than a quarter of federal Liberal MPs.

Mr Morrison has conceded women are under-represented in the party, but doesn't think quotas will topple the obstacles that are keeping more women from advancing.

Whether or not quotas would be brought in is a matter for the Liberal's organisation wing, he noted.

But he is working with Minister for Women Kelly O'Dwyer on a "practical exercise", similar to training programs that helped a record number of Liberal women get pre-selected at the 1996 election.

Liberal Women's Council chair Helen Kroger says it's time for the party to acknowledge what they've done so far to recruit more women has not worked.


Former minister Craig Laundy has become the first male Liberal Party MP to come out in support of gender quotas, after it was first raised by Liberal frontbencher Sussan Ley, but ministers including Simon Birmingham, Steve Ciobo and Josh Frydenberg are all satisfied with the party's target of 50 per cent female representation by 2025.

5. A "big and vicious" hurricane is approaching US shores.


Motorists in the US have streamed inland from the east coast on highways that turned into one-way routes as more than one million people in three states were ordered to get out of the way of Hurricane Florence.

The hair-raising storm is taking aim at North and South Carolina with 210 km/h winds and potentially devastating rains.

Florence was expected to blow ashore late on Thursday or early on Friday, then slow down and wring itself out for days.

It's tipped to unload 30-60 cm of rain that could cause flooding well inland and wreak environmental havoc by washing over industrial waste sites and pig farms.

Forecasters and politicians pleaded with the public on Tuesday to take the warnings seriously and minced no words in describing the threat.

"This storm is a monster. It's big and it's vicious. It is an extremely dangerous, life-threatening, historic hurricane," North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper said.

"The waves and the wind this storm may bring is nothing like you've ever seen.

"Even if you've ridden out storms before, this one is different. Don't bet your life on riding out a monster."

North and South Carolina and Virginia ordered mass evacuations along the coast. But getting out of harm's way could prove difficult.

Florence is so wide that a life-threatening storm surge was being pushed 480 km ahead of its eye, and a swath of states from South Carolina to Ohio and Pennsylvania could get deluged.


People across the region rushed to buy bottled water and other supplies, board up their homes or just get out of town.

A line of heavy traffic moved away from the coast on the main thoroughfare between the port city of Wilmington and inland Raleigh, becoming gridlocked in places.

Only a trickle of vehicles was going in the opposite direction, including pickup trucks stocked with plywood and other building materials.

Service stations started running out of petrol as far west as Raleigh, with bright yellow bags, signs or rags placed over the pumps to show they were out of order.

At 2pm local time the storm was centred 1360 km southeast of Cape Fear, North Carolina, moving at 28 km/h.

It was a potentially catastrophic category 4 storm but was expected to keep drawing energy from the warm water and intensify to near category 5, which means winds of 253 km/h.

"This one really scares me," National Hurricane Centre Director Ken Graham warned.

Forecasters said parts of North Carolina could get 50 cm of rain, if not more, with as much as 25 cm predicted for elsewhere in the state and in Virginia, parts of Maryland and Washington DC.

Florence could slam the Carolinas harder than any hurricane since Hazel, which hit in 1954 with 209 km/h winds.

The category 4 storm destroyed 15,000 buildings and killed 19 people in North Carolina.

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