There is nothing more embarrassing than keeping your New Years’ resolutions for approximately three weeks.
I once pledged to replace breakfast with green smoothies. I had toast in my mouth by day three and kale rotting in the fridge from day five to… well, a small part of me hopes it’s not still there.
Most resolutions link into long-term lifestyle goals like: spending more time with your family, losing weight, spending less and staying healthy.
But if you have ever joined a gym only to quit two months later or spent less until something really good came along, you know most resolutions are a brief and unsustainable dip into self-restriction.
So let’s give an almighty “NOPE” to those goals and set some much more achievable targets.
1. Drink more water.
It sounds a bit overdone but drinking a good amount of water boasts multiple benefits for your body. Water increases energy and relieves fatigue, improves the complexion of your skin, promotes weight loss and maintains regularity.
The Victorian Government recommends women drink eight glasses a day while men should aim for a total of 10.
Individuals who have high protein or high fibre diets are encouraged to exceed those guidelines, as are those who are physically active and those who are pregnant.
2. Make your bed in the morning.
There is something truly satisfying about slipping into a made bed after a long day at work. You don’t have to strip the sheets but merely pull everything back into place. If you’re lucky enough to share a bed with somebody special, you could even take turns.