New Year’s resolutions are funny things.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that – despite their name implying that they will last the whole year – New Year’s resolutions always self-destruct by the 27th of January, with the resolution often being made with that juxtapositional temporariness in mind.
And yet, wherever you are tonight, someone will ask you if you’ve made one. And want to know what it is. And how you plan on going about it.
As I see it, there are two types of people who don’t have an answer to this question by now.
The first are those who are yet to discover the perfect resolution to dutifully follow through until late January when they forget about it/the gym’s free trial period runs out/that book club they wanted to join moves to Thursday nights, meaning that it conflicts with work.
The second? Those who are never going to make a stupid, bloody resolution and just want all of this chit-chat to be over so that they can get to the night’s true business of drinking, and kissing people. (Best case for the Oxford comma in that last sentence, am I right?)
Regardless, both groups need an answer to give,and that is exactly what this post provides.
Adjust the content and modality of the statement as you see fit:
“In 2014 I will…”
1. Read 5/10/20/50 books
2. Get up earlier
3. Give up coffee
4. Volunteer
5. Take more public transport
6. Bring lunch to work every day