
Broken your New Year's resolution already? Don't worry, you're not alone.


Ah, New Year’s Resolutions.

So well-intended, so completely, utterly, totally…inconvenient and/or forgettable.

And yet, we still make them, year after year. And then we break them.

It may be only mere days into 2019, and yet, so many people have broken their resolutions, a thread of them sharing their disappointments has already trended on Twitter.

It began with this merry yet highly passive-aggressive tweet:


It was a tweet the world could relate to – including, but not limited to, the iconic Cyndi Lauper:

This brave husband also shared his resolution fail:


This woman decided to go big, or go home:


This person had the sagest advice…for next year:


And this person remains an eternal optimist:

One user vowed to have a dry January:


This resolved to limit Uber usage:


And this person had #noragrets:


But don’t worry, there’s one resolution we’re all capable of keeping:

Have you kept your New Year’s resolution so far? Tell us in the comments below.

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