
The five best under the radar TV shows to binge watch this weekend.

There are few things worse than the empty, lost feeling you get after finishing the final season of your TV show. You now have to leave you bed. Wash yourself. Actually speak to people.

Or do you…

We’ve done the hard work* (aka eschewed all human contact and watch our laptop screens for 273 hours straight) and found the best under-the-radar new to Netflix shows.

Listen: All the best TV shows you should be watching this week. 


Here are the top five for your bingeing pleasure.


I could talk about this for hours. But I won’t 1) because I have a word limit and 2) in the time you’re reading this you could be halfway through the first episode. This British series was originally called Scrotal Recall, but don’t let that put you off. Skins-meets-Inbetweeners-meets-Fresh Meat-meets the best rom-coms but without the cheesy endings, Lovesick is awkward, funny and also full of heart.


Image: Netflix

The story starts with Dylan, a hopeless romantic in his mid twenties who finds out he has chlamidya so has to contact every girl he's slept with in the last few years to tell them to get tested. Jumping time, the show focuses on him and his two best friends Evie and Luke. Each episode focuses on a girl from the past but is so much more than that, charting friendship, love, relationships, feeling lost and life in general. Plus, it's impossible not to get on board with the love story.

I started watching this with my housemates then cheated on them by binging the whole second season to myself the other night. Then I restarted it from the beginning. No regrets.

It was first shown in the UK in 2014 but didn't appear on Netlix until 2015. The second season dropped at the end of last year and its just been renewed for a third season. The seasons are short - just six and eight episodes, so you've got no excuse.

You Me Her

I stumbled upon this series on a rainy Friday night and proceeded to remain on my sofa for the next 12 hours, addictively going from one episode to the next.


The US TV show revolves around suburban married couple Emma and Jack who on the surface have the perfect life - the job, the house, the marriage. But trying for a baby has taken its toll on the pair and they end up in relationship counselling which sheds some light on their sex life - or lack of.  In an effort to get their mojo back, they end up getting involved with an escort, a grad student named Izzy. It does not go to plan - but not in the way you'd expect.

Combining sex, relationships, nosy neighbours, humour and drama, You Me Her is a visually appealing and surprisingly down to earth series. The second season premiered on US television last month, but for now its just the first season available on Netflix.


It's the series that has got the office talking - and texting each other all hours of the night to discuss exactly WHAT JUST HAPPENED.

Con artists. Mystery. Romance. Comedy and a perfect blend of sexy, silly and sophisticated - there's a lot to love about Stan's dark new comedy.

The American series centres around con-artist Maddie, who seduces men and women into marrying her before she runs off with their hearts - and all their money.

Inbar Lavi in Imposters.(Source: Bravo.)

"Our head of podcasting, Monique Bowley, was fangirling over it. She was saying what she loved about it was that it's a show that she and her husband can watch together," TV expert Laura Brodnik said on The Binge.

According to co-host Tiffany Dunk, its appeal lies in the series' masterful blend of comedy, drama and strong characterisation.

"When you read the notes, it seems like something that's just built for women; and it is in the sense there's this woman who's really smart and tricksy... but it's also a bit of a buddy comedy at the core," she said.

Listen Binge hosts Laura Brodnik and Tiffany Dunk discuss Imposters. Post continues after audio.


The second season of this Netflix Original from Judd Apatow dropped this week and boy, it it a good 'un. Forget what you know about the rom-com genre - this is without any cliche, but still very endearing. The show focuses on Mickey, a alcohol, drug and love addict and Gus,a TV show set tutor recently cheated on and dumped by his long term partner for being "fake nice".


Love offers "a down-to-earth look at dating", warts and all, exploring both perspectives in a romantic relationship. Short episodes make it extremely bingeable, and a third season has already been announced.


Ok, so not technically new or under-the-radar but a bloody good show people can't get enough of (and the fact that there are several episodes now available to binge) means Riverdale makes the cut.

Drawing a lot of Pretty Little Liars comparisons, it's your latest guilty pleasure. The drama series is based on the characters from the Archie comics, dropping one episode every week.

It starts at the beginning of the school year, when the small town of Riverdale is still recovering from the recent tragic death of golden boy high school student Jason Blossom. Murder mystery, teenage angst, forbidden relationships between teacher and student and love triangles will keep you clicking 'next episode'.

Listen to Laura Brodnik and Tiffany Dunk explain how Riverdale is the smash hit show that's been influencing you your whole life on The Binge. 

Have you seen any of these? What did you think? Let us know any other recommendations below.

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