
Making friends outside of mother's group just got a whole lot easier.

Having a baby is unquestionably a period filled with love, support and excitement. But if you happen to be one of the first in your friendship group to do it, enjoying those initial days on the parenthood path can be rocky.

Just ask new Melbourne mum and former international athlete Teniele Holmes who, at 27, welcomed her first child late last year.

“I don’t think people realise how much less you socialise with new people when you get older,” Holmes tells Mamamia.

“When you’re a teenager and in your 20s you constantly meet new people and friends, but this, in a way, dies down when you get older. I think this is really sad because I love getting to know new people.”

Having spent years enjoying a full and enriching social life, things quickly changed pace when baby Mischka came along and there were few in her immediate circle who could relate.

antenatal appointment facts
'Searching for: a woman with a baby and similar interests'. Source: iStock.

"I have always worked full time, and as one of the first of my friends to have kids, it can sometimes be quite isolating," she says, adding that finding women who were not only new to parenting like her but also had shared interests, was something she was keen for.

Cue Hobspot: a new social networking app designed to introduce people in the same area with shared interests to one another. Essentially, it's like Tinder for friendships.

With a profile that includes photos, hobbies and 'about me' sections, it's essentially Tinder for friendships. And mums like Holmes are loving it.

unique names
Find new friends for both of you. Source: iStock.

"I think the main thing for me has been that it has enabled me to get in touch with other mums," she says, adding, "and I love the fact that it connects you with people who have similar interests and hobbies as you. That way you know that the people you talk to are on the same page as you."

"I also like that the options for hobbies aren't that cliche, you can literally put in that you like to drink coffee as an option."

Listen: You need a friend who understand the troubles of getting your baby to sleep. Post continues... 

Sadly, Netflix is not an option... I checked. But lots of other things I'm into, like walking, going to gigs and art galleries, are. And while the first five minutes of your "date" with a potential new friend might be awkward, it also could be the start of something really great.

"I think all people like to socialise and make new friends," Holmes says.

"And I know that it's been perfect for me, being a new mum."

What are some of the most memorable way you've made friends? 

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