
SHUT UP AND TAKE OUR MONEY: The new female condom that promises to please.


You’ll be tingling in anticipation… and also, because there is a vibrator in it.

Female condoms. They have got to be one of the most un-sexy forms of contraception imaginable. Even diaphragms have that whole ‘flyer saucer’ vibe going on. Female condoms look like plastic bags, or those little cases you put on the outside of a travel umbrella. Maybe that’s why only 1.6% of the world’s condom production is female condoms.

But no longer.

Mmmm flying saucers.

Introducing VA W.O.W, guaranteed to make you say…

This little beauty is being developed by American company IXü, and conceptual drawings indicate it will come in the shape of a heart, a star, or an apple (?), whichever takes your fancy. But more importantly than that, it has an attached vibrator, which is both wireless and Bluetooth enabled.

The company are aiming to provde both pleasure and safety by combining, “basic female condoms with extremely popular miniaturised electronic sex-toys.” The VA W.O.W is disposable and has a small vibrator built into its frame. The vibrator, which can be activated by wireless remote control (cheeky), sits against the clitoris and a small sponge in used to keep everything right where it should be. For when things get, you know- physical.

A heart shaped vibrator… Awwwwww.

IXü’s C.E.O Brian Osterburg has said of the product, “You know how successful sex toys are. If we put it on a female condom that keeps it still and holds it in one particular place, then it isn’t too far-fetched to see how successful that will be.” And that can only be a good thing, with studies in the UK revealing, 42 per cent of 16-24 year old women have had unprotected sex in the last two years, when not planning a pregnancy.

Safety should be first, always, but the VA W.O.W is also guaranteed to give you a better experience. After conducting trials, IXü found 70 per cent of women reached orgasm during sex. Those who didn’t get their toes curled the first time around decided to have another crack, and by the fourth time all 50 of the women surveyed had achieved orgasm.

Sadly, VA W.O.W is still about two years away from commercial release, but the increased focus on sexual health AND female pleasure is a wonderful thing.

Would you try the VA W.O.W?

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