So, taking over The Bachelorette recaps from Rosie Waterland is possibly the most terrifying thing either of us have done.
When we were told we’d be taking over, three things happened:
1. A little bit of wee came out.
2. We did that awkward laugh you do in uncomfortable situations when you literally have no idea what to say.
3. We nervous sweated.
You see we know there's only one Rosie. There's only one person who could possibly have imagined up Peen Palace, Dirty Street Pie, Queen Sandra Sully's reign over Channel 10, Osher's life in a Hair Spray Dungeon, and a Chocolate Diarrhea Sex Bath. And that's why we love her.
But over the last few weeks our Bachelorette terror has given way to excitement. Because OOFT have you seen that fireman?
We've also stalked Georgia Love on the 'gram (because that's where you should always start...with anybody), and found some compelling stuff. She appears to like dog memes, and she has some really cool friends.