
The internet is going bananas over the new $5 note design.


The Reserve Bank of Australia has just unveiled its new and (allegedly) improved $5 note design, and in news that will surprise no one with an internet connection, Twitter is going nuts in response.

While the size, overall colour and people portrayed on the notes will remain the same to minimise disruption, it’s fair to say that the notes have undergone a vibrant revamp, with the Prickly Moses wattle and the Eastern Spinebill bird added for a splash of national pizzazz.

new $5 note

New $5 note design. Source: ABC

new $5 note

New $5 note design. Source: ABC

But it seems that the changes made are not the changes "The People" really want.

Lisa Wilkinson was the first cab off the ranks in pointing out the bleeding obvious. And that is what our oh mighty sovereign leader looks like she did 23 years ago when the polymer notes were originally issued.


But some users had other ideas of who should appear on the new $5 note.

Like mining magnate and all round wacky guy, Clive Palmer, for example. Sure, he may no longer have a dinosaur park, successful holiday resort, or booming political career to his name, but immortalizing him through our nation's currency would have a certain delightful serendipity to it.

The TV ad that introduced the change over to decimal currency in Australia. Post continues below. 

Video by NFSA Films

Nothing like using a Cliver to buy your milk and bread.

And if Palmer isn't to your liking, there's always Jacqui Lambie.

A person who makes no sense appearing on a redesign that makes no sense. Perfect!

But if we're going to start travelling down the Australian icon road, there is no one more suitable than everyone's favourite suburbanite, Dame Edna Everage.

Sitting resplendently alongside meat pies, VBs and the Triple J logo, we reckon this Straylia redesign is as good as they get, poppets.


Ah, Tone. It was really only a matter of time until the blue tied, onion eating, speed dealer sunnies wearing, former-PM made his way into our currency.

Slap one of these fivers in your velco wallet and get into ~ The Tone Zone ~.

Winning jockey and human emoji Hugh Bowman has also made his mark onto the redesigns. Because if there's one thing horse racing enthusiasts like, it's discovering just one more fiver in their pocket on race day.

Buzzfeed's political editor Mark Di Stefano has also offered up some great alternatives, including Olympic gold medallist Cathy Freeman. Who, let's be honest, is probably more relevant to our national history than a person who comes to stay for a few days every five or so years.

And then we get to the Dollarydoos Simpsons edition. The petition to have the government change our currency name to Dollarydoos currently has over 65,000 signatures.

Okay, call off the search. We've found the winner. Thank you @dylabolical, as a nation we needed this, and hadn't even realised.

The RBA said that the notes have increased security features to prevent counterfeiting and a more tactile design to help the vision impaired community distinguish between bank notes.

The new $5 notes will come into circulation on 1 September 2016.


*Main image via Mark Di Stefano

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