
"Stop telling me your kid has never seen a doctor, like it's a good thing."

Please stop telling me your child has never seen a doctor. I don’t think its admirable, I actually think it’s neglectful.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting a little bit sick of hearing wellness warriors all over social media claiming that their children have never seen a doctor. Like its a good thing?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for sourcing as much information about better health management and adapting your diet for better nutrition. However,  it seems to be the fashion to claim that you’re so in tune with your child’s health you have no need for a medical professional or any medical intervention what so ever. No, I don’t think you’re a natural parent. I think you’re an idiot.

Hello, I am a vegetable. I am not a replacement for medical intervention.

One quick look at Instagram and you'll see it is filled to the brim with pictures of the latest batch of kombucha, some home made bliss balls and perhaps even a little raw food dinner inspo. And yes, these things do have a place (I actually make both kombucha and bliss balls regularly) but like anything, it has it's limits.

Medical professionals are just that. They have trained for many years to be able to properly diagnose and treat various aliments. Their approach is based on science, not blogs.


I often wonder how much information a person would accept and adopt into their lives if they saw in real life what the so called internet "experts" really are. I trust the opinion of a doctor over that of an armchair professor any day of the week. Especially when it comes to the health of my kids. So to me claiming that your child has never stepped foot in a doctors office is not an achievement, its neglectful of a holistic approach to your child's health.

A well balanced diet is crucial to overall health and vitality, that I understand. And I fully support it. It's another aspect of total health that cannot be neglected. I'm familiar with the benefits of unpasturised milk as much as the next person and I've read a lot of the same literature the nude food people rely on. But food has its place, just like medicine has its place.

What's that doctor, Vaccinations? Nah,it's ok I've got a sage bush out the back.

The thought of letting your child cry through the night with teething pain all the while knowing that you could make it all better with one dose of medicine? It's just so foreign to me. Allowing your child to fight so furiously against tonsillitis when it could be helped so easily with a dose of antibiotics.

Do the ideals of natural living stem so far that your child needs to suffer because you really, truly believe that the best thing for them to to shun research, statistics and proven medical results and tough it out.

For my children's health I chose to inform myself with a wide range of information rather than simply reject the western medical field completely as seems to be the trend. Yes, I eat whole foods and sneak in extra kale for dinner, but Kale isn't going to fix a raging ear infection. Trust me, if your child is home sick with a scary high fever they sure as hell are going to choose a dose of panadol over a friggin' lentil.

Why on earth would a parent let their child sit in pain, with the ability to fix it?


Now I get to the part where the anti-vaxers jump on in, but I'll say it. If you go so far crazy as to say that you won't vaccinate your child (without medical reasoning) than I don't want my kids at preschool/school with yours.

In fact I deliberately avoided a kindy in my area because I knew of an unvaccinated child who attended the centre. I don't need my family compromised because someone clicked 'subscribe' to a blog, quite possibly written by another peanut who's only research is from the internet.

Is it just me, or has anyone else had enough of the undoctored kids?

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