
Here's exactly how much you'll be paying for Netflix after the price increase.

We’ve known for a little while now that our Netflix accounts were going to get a little bit more expensive, thanks to GST.

But now it’s been revealed exactly how much Australians will be paying for their basic, standard and premium plans – and some simple maths shows it ain’t just GST that’s been added.

Business Insider crunched the numbers, showing the streaming service is taking the opportunity to increase their prices by just a little bit more.

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The new prices:

Basic plan: $9.99 per month (up $1)
Standard plan: $13.99 (up $2)
Premium plan: $17.99 (up $3)

So a basic plan has gone up by 11%, while your standard plan will see a 17% jump and a premium plan has seen an increase of 20% – all over the standard 10% GST.

Shocked? You're not alone. (Image: Netflix)

Look, we're finding it hard to be outraged over this - the service will still be incredibly good value for money when you take into account all the joy it brings to our lives. (Hello, Orange is The New Black.)

A Netflix spokesperson also pointed out there's been no change in cost of subscription since the service launched in Australia in 2015.

"From time to time, Netflix plans and pricing are adjusted as we add more exclusive TV shows and movies, introduce new product features and improve the overall Netflix experience to help members find something great to watch even faster," the spokesperson said.

The new prices will be what all new customers pay from now on, while existing users will be given 30 days notice from Thursday.

Will this price rise change your mind about Netflix?

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