
There's a way to access thousands of hidden Netflix movies. For free.

Sometimes, I think Netflix is listening to the conversations I have in my life.

Either that, or the algorithm they use to recommend shows is 10% science and 90% black magic.

The movies that pop up on my Netflix home screen are almost always movies I’ve long wanted to watch; recommendations from my personal Netflix boffin who picks and chooses any films that might be right for me.*

Here’s the problem.

That little recommendations bar can only fit about 15 titles. If you scroll down, sure, there are genres and sub-genres showcasing a few more.

But… where are the rest?

Listen to Laura Brodnik and Holly Wainwright explain all the amazing new TV shows you should be watching right now on The Binge. Post continues after audio.

Netflix has tens of thousands of titles in its back-catalogue. We see a few hundred of them.

And if you want to find the rest… where do you start? What do you search? We can’t search what we don’t know. And the ‘browse’ section only has seventeen genres.

So basically, we’re all left asking the same question…

Where are all the romantic Japanese Indie horror cartoons?


We’ve trawled the internet in search of the secret numeric codes that will unlock every single genre and title Netflix has. And we’re going to show you how to use them.

How it works.

Log into Netflix.

Type this into your browser’s toolbar: 

XXXX represents the numeric code of  a very niche, very specific genre. ‘9875’ is Crime Documentaries. ‘5455’ is Movies for ages 5 to 7.

Mind. Blown.

Obviously, typing in any random numbers isn't helpful. Or efficient So we've gathered up a list of the numeric codes for super niche genres you might be interested in.

Netflix secret codes - by genre.

The Telegraph published this super handy list of codes for all the genres and sub-genres your heart desires.

And if you want the really niche stuff? There's an even more comprehensive list, here.

Action & Adventure (1365)

Anime (7424)

Children & Family Movies (783)

Classic Movies (31574)

Comedies (6548)

Cult Movies (7627)

Documentaries (6839)

Dramas (5763)

Faith & Spirituality (26835)

Foreign Movies (7462)

Gay & Lesbian Movies (5977)

Horror Movies (8711)

Independent Movies (7077)

Music (1701)

Romantic Movies (8883)

Sci-Fi & Fantasy (1492)

Sports Movies (4370)

Thrillers (8933)

TV Shows (83)

*NB - I'm aware I do not have a personal Netflix boffin. But it'd be cool, hey.

What's your favourite Netflix genre? Do you have any other Netflix hacks? Let us know in the comments below...

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