reality tv

Just 15 burning questions we have about Netflix's wild reality dating show, Love Is Blind.


Warning: This post definitely contains spoilers for Love Is Blind.

There’s only one episode of Netflix’s latest reality show Love Is Blind to go, and despite having intensely watched all nine available episodes in excruciating detail… I honestly have no idea what is going on.

For the uninitiated, the premise of Love Is Blind is putting yourself in a ‘pod’ and blind dating until you, ideally, fall in love with a stranger in three days.

The idea is that without the distraction of seeing each other, the cast can figure out if they’re compatible on a ‘deep emotional level’. Then, for reasons not explained but likely linked to drama and ratings, they must get engaged before they are allowed to see each other.

A taste of just how wild Love Is Blind is. Post continues below video.

Video via Netflix

Then they’ll be sent on a nice holiday in Mexico to explore their relationship and move in together/get to know each other’s families/talk about planning a wedding but not actually plan a wedding that’s happening in approximately three weeks time.

If you’ve had enough self-control not to start watching it, even though the trailer shows a literal runaway bride, I commend you. But also, you must watch it right this instant because it’s WILD.


Wild and… confusing.

Mamamia’s new dating podcast Eligible is a new way to date. Post continues below audio.

Hence the below questions, which have kept me awake for weeks now and frankly are destroying my quality of life.

1. Can you fall in love with someone through a wall in three days?

THE ANSWER SHOULD BE NO but Lauren and Cameron are the most stable couple?? They’re the only ones we CARE about?? We want a spin-off show??


2. Why did they get so dressed up in the pods?

I know you’re on a Netflix TV show but also, your date can’t see you. I feel like cocktail dresses and heels are… overkill. Chuck your trackies on.

3. Do they all actually live in Atlanta?

So in the beginning the cast was like “I’m from Chicago” or whatever and now they’re all in Atlanta and it just makes no sense. I need Nick Lachey to come onscreen for 2 mins and explain this, please.

4. Is Jessica 34?

Definitely unclear. Needs clarification.


5. What are the impacts of wine on doggos?

love is blind netflix
Can someone tell Jessica this is sick and wrong pls.

Asking for Jessica's dog.

6. At what point do we stop feeling bad for Mark?

Mark dodging Jessica's red flags be like. Image: Giphy.

7. Was there no one else in Mexico?

The couples really had an entire Cabo resort to themselves huh? Netflix money ain't bad.

8. Who is planning these weddings?

The couples are out here talking about planning their weddings, which happen a month after they meet, but I don't see much actual planning. My friend planned her wedding in nine months and was a mess from the stress, you're never convincing me these people planned a damn thing in three weeks.


9. Why are they only discussing very important information about debt and finances NOW?


In fact, here are things you probably should know about your partner before you get engaged through a wall on television:

  • Their financial situation
  • Their employment
  • Their ethical and moral beliefs
  • Their political leanings
  • Their expectations of a relationship, home life, etc.
  • Their sexual preferences

Just like, to make things smoother when you do meet face-to-face, ya know?

10. Does anyone actually share toothbrushes with their S/O?

Cameron's only flaw.

NASTY. Image: Giphy.

11. Was anyone monitoring the alcohol intake?

I don't want to say the cast was always smashed... but the cast was always smashed.

12. Why is there still a question of whether they'll say yes at the alter the day before their weddings?

No no no no no, by this point that should definitely not be in doubt.

13. Is Rory doing okay?

According to the show's de facto counsellor himself, Rory got engaged on the show and we didn't see it. He fell for Danielle, who we also saw precisely eight seconds of in the show's first couple of episodes.

They fell in love, got engaged and even had the whole emotional reveal, but they weren't taken to Mexico because producers didn't expect the show's premise to be so successful and had only prepared to film a small number of couples.

I just really love the fact that not even the people behind this show expected it to... work.

rory love is blind
King of advice. Image: Netflix.

Anyway, Rory and Danielle went on their own holiday to Miami but broke up shortly after, as "Danielle pursued her feelings for another man from the show". She's now dating a dude called Matt, who is allegedly from the pods as well.


Netflix, it's a damn travesty this wasn't captured for our viewing pleasure.

14. Who will actually get married???

It's cruel for Netflix, whom we regularly turn to for bingeable content, to make us wait a whole week to see the weddings in the finale.

We simply must know if Damien is going to say no to Giannina at the alter, if Jessica puts Mark out of his misery, if Lauren and Cameron are together 4eva and if Barnett accepts Amber's desire to be a make-up buying, non-debt paying, stay-at-home-mother. Plus, the anticipation of finding who the heck it is running away from their wedding in their wedding dress is TOO MUCH.

15. What are the couples up to now?

Love Is Blind was filmed way back in 2018, so we're sure a lot has happened in the lives of the cast since filming. Here's hoping we get a reunion episode, or at least season one of The Lauren and Cameron Show.



The Love Is Blind finale will be available on Netflix on February 27. 

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