
Bad news, Aussie Netflix users: you could soon be waiting longer for shows.

It seems our tech situation on this land-that-is-girt-by-sea is one fraught with the kind of issues you’d expect from a deserted island: internet that lags, being one season behind the rest of the world on all your favourite TV shows, you get the picture.

So, if you really, truly believed Netflix when they said our Australian accounts will soon share the same release dates as those in the US, I am here to tell you two things:

One, that there could soon be some hefty delays on your favourite Netflix shows; and two, don’t shoot the messenger.

It appears a sudden influx of new, legal content coming to your Netlflix account is a little too much for our Classifications Board to handle.

According to IT News, the board can’t classify the content fast enough, and as a result the streaming service has said it might have to actually delay releasing new shows. (Nooo!)

Watch the trailer for Stranger Things, one of Netflix’s most popular shows at the moment. (Post continues after video.)

Video via Netflix

Netflix’s Global public policy manager Josh Korn says the delays could be an inevitable result of an unprecedented rush of content.

“As Netflix increases its investments in content, more and more titles will need to be given an Australian classification,” Korn told IT News.

“However, there are significant obstacles associated with classifying large volumes of content.

“Processing delays could result in content being premiered later in Australia than in other Netflix markets.”

taryn manning arrested

Orange is the New Black, one of our Netflix favourites. (Image: Netflix)

Without getting too technical, the reason our Classification Board is being so slow on these ones is because they're simply not accustomed to having to classify so much content all at once. And Netflix produces a lot of it.

As IT News explains, local free-to-air or cable channels usually employ in-house assessors to classify the content because they produce too much for the board to handle.

However, under current broadcasting laws, there is no onus on Streaming Video on Demand companies like Netflix to employ their own in-house assessors. Alas, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of our Classifications Board.

So brace yourselves. You may need to employ some patience.

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