
6 natural remedies to prevent and manage common childhood complaints.

Thursday Plantation
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Life as a parent feels like one tumble after another, followed by one snotty nose after another.

And it’s true; research shows us that in the first two years of life, most youngsters have eight to ten colds. So while we can’t prevent every single one of them it’s important to have some secret weapons on hand to ease the longevity and severity of them – and keep your family comfortable at the same time.

Because unless they are seriously ill you don’t want to have to race off to the doctors every time they have an itch or come down with the sniffles.

More and more parents, like myself, are turning to natural remedies, balanced alongside contemporary medicine, to help in these minor crises.

Michelle Avedissian, Nature Care College’s Head of Naturopathy and a practicing Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist says I am not alone in my interest in these products.

natural remedies
"More and more parents, like myself, are turning to natural remedies, balanced alongside contemporary medicine, to help in these minor crises." Image via iStock.

She says that she is seeing a growing number of people looking for a natural solution, for reasons that a lot of us would empathise with.

“Many parents don’t want their children taking antibiotics or other medication if they can avoid them,” Avedissian says.

But we’re eternally grateful to know that they’re there when we really need them.

Here are some of the best natural solutions to can help prevent and manage common ailments.

Colds and flus.

Avedissian says that natural remedies are very important for boosting our children’s health.

“Children often develop minor illnesses as they grow and their immune system responds to life around them,” Avedissian says.

“Natural herbal remedies like echinacea, thyme, marshmallow and licorice -- though not the lollies -- can be great for children’s coughs and colds.”

Eucalyptus oil is also good for temporarily relieving cold and flu symptoms. I put a few drops in my daughter’s vaporizer when she has a congested nose in order to open up bronchial tubes, ease congestion, and make breathing easier. It can also be diluted in a massage oil as a chest rub.

Skin problems.

From burns and bruises to pimples and scrapes – kids can really rack up skin problems. But there are plenty of natural options available to deal with them.


Thanks to its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil can help with pimples, acne, boils and minor burns – evening diminishing the scars after. It inhibits a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungi, and cleanses and protects skin abrasions.

Tea tree oil can also assist with fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and nail infections.

Avedissian also suggests that mums of toddlers might want to invest in some Arnica. She says the homeopathic remedy is brilliant for all those bumps and bruises that toddlers get as they run around.

“You can buy it as a cream to rub on the area, or you can take the homeopathies internally as drops.”

"Kids can really rack up skin problems. But there are plenty of natural options available to deal with them." Image via iStock.


Whenever my kids have a mozzie bite – and for some reason they seem to love our own brand of blood – a dab of tea tree oil relieves the itch in minutes. Lavender oil can also help provide relief for tick, wasp and insect bites.

Muscle aches.

After a day of soccer a warm bath with a few drops of eucalyptus oil will temporarily relieve your kids’ muscular aches and pains. Or you can blend it in massage oil to apply to the area.


My eight-year-old son finds it really tough to get to sleep. I’ve tried a long wind down routine and I’ve tried sleep apps.  But the thing I find is really helping is lavender oil.  Lavender oil is traditionally used in aromatherapy to relieve nervous tension and sleeplessness.

Avedissian suggests adding essential oils to a diffuser as a useful tool to help the atmosphere in the house.

“For example a few drops of lavender added to a diffuser in the evening can help to calm children and help their sleep.  Add another few drops of sandalwood to help reduce nightmares.”

Experts say that it may contribute to improved sleep quality and provide a more restful sleep. I put a few drops on his pillow, but you can use a diffuser, put a few drops in the bath or rub some in with lotion to your skin.

It’s great for babies too. The Wall Street Journal reports that a 2007 study found lavender-scented bath oil helped babies cry less and sleep more deeply.

"A few drops of lavender added to a diffuser in the evening can help to calm children and help their sleep." Image via iStock.

Gut health.

Avedissian strongly recommends probiotics for the whole family. She explains that probiotics help support good bacteria in the gut helps and aiding the prevention of respiratory infections and gastrointestinal infections, as well as supporting general physical and mental health.

There are plenty of excellent natural options available when it comes to preventing and managing different health issues.

But Avedissian says, “If you are concerned about your child’s health, you should always check things out with your doctor.”

Have you tried natural remedies in the past? 

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