Deep breath. Here goes.
Something shocking has happened.
I agree with the world’s most offensive woman.
That professional troll, Katie Hopkins, said something this week that I thought was worth considering.
If you’ve never heard of Katie Hopkins, she’s the one who thinks fat people are lazy, poor people are stupid, and that refugees are the horsemen of the apocalypse.
Like this.
Katie, who makes a living espousing deeply offensive ideas, must have been having a slow week. Because she turned her attention to the topic that is most likely to get her headlines with the least amount of effort – Birth.
Sit back and enjoy what Hopkins said on London radio station LBC:
“I certainly feel kind of vindicated by the fact that I have had no pain relief for any of my children and it makes me feel that there is nothing that can hurt so much again. It does make me feel kind of invincible in some ways.
“Toughen up, man up, take it like a man and actually just give birth naturally because it’s fairly simple. All you have to do is push.”
All you have to do is push.
That, my friends, is what we call an understatement.
In case you missed Katie’s delicate point, she’s made it before, writing for, here:
“I believe those who elect to have a c-section are missing out. Many more elect to have one than wish to admit it. There is guilt in cowardice. If you wimp out of childbirth, you will never experience a pain that makes you invincible.
“I would urge you to resist the temptation of the c-section. If you can handle childbirth, you can handle anything. And you are a truly powerful woman.”
This is where Katie and I became as one. Where I nodded in agreement.
If you can handle childbirth, you can handle anything.
Yes. Yes, yes you can.
I remember feeling like that. After I gave birth to my first child, I felt immortal.
Not immediately, of course, when I felt like a broken shell of a women who couldn’t walk to the bathroom. But later, when the dust and blood and tears had settled, I definitely felt invincible.
Because growing a baby inside your body and having it come out and become a whole separate person is an absolutely, mind-bogglingly awesome thing to do. Awe-inspiring. It’s the kind of stuff that superheroes do – use their incredible magical powers to clone people, and mutate from one into two, and withstand enormous discomfort to do so.