
A (no bullsh*t) day in the life of Natalie Bassingthwaighte.

Musician. Actress. Performer. Creator of children’s clothing company Chi Khi. Mother of two. It’s quite hard to believe that Natalie Bassingthwaighte has the same amount of hours in the day as the rest of us. She’s basically the ambassador for How To Get Sh*t Done Super Effectively. Mamamia spoke to Natalie to find out the no-bullsh*t version of her day – parenting fails included.

The Morning.

Waking up.

“I wake up at 6:30am. My little man Hendrix likes to call out. Last night, I only got six hours sleep as I attended an event. I really need eight hours but that never really happens, so I turned a movie on and got an extra two hours of sleep!

I used to check my phone as soon as I woke up and I felt so crazy for the entire day. I have since made a rule that I don’t check my phone until 9am. I achieve this about 90 per cent of the time! If I break my rule I always check emails first!” (Post continues after gallery.)


Breakfast time.

“It’s mad but it has been better since we took television out of the equation. It’s helped get us motivated, playing music and getting ready for the day. It’s still crazy though. There is a lot of ‘hurry up’, ‘what do you want for breakfast?’, ‘get dressed’, and ‘where is my phone?!’.

Taking out the TV in the morning has really shifted us all to get ready in the morning and not be so lazy!


A photo posted by Chi Khi (@natbassingthwaighte) on Jul 7, 2016 at 6:44pm PDT




“Most days it’s really about being comfortable and practical; whatever is easy! Most days I wear jeans and a tee or activewear. Yep I am one of those. When it comes to makeup, I keep it simple because time is limited. Usually hair in a pony and a light tinted moisturiser, mascara and lip gloss. I can get ready in 10 minutes flat. Although I left the house today and just put on mascara. When I saw myself in the mirror I nearly died, my face was all red and itchy. I get hay fever… not a good look in Officeworks! I cannot live without Ultraceuticals B2 hydrating serum ($85). I hate wearing makeup to bed unless I have been out – then I just fall into bed. But I always regret it” Watch Nat Bass talk to Mamamia’s Holly Wainwright about parenting. Post continues after video.


The day.


Getting to work.

“No day is the same – sometimes I’m interstate, other days I’m in in the office at home or driving to a meeting in the city. Since my daughter started school this year and my son started day care, my hubby and I have made it a ritual to drop them off together if we can. If it’s not raining, we walk. It’s about a 40 minute round trip and makes me feel like I can take on the day. Otherwise, we drive. Surprisingly it’s the most sane part of my day.”


Running late.

“I had a meeting recently on the other side of the city, I typed the address into my GPS but I didn’t notice that it took me to another suburb with the same address! For a trip that should have taken 20 minutes it was over an hour.”



“Coffee, water and soy chai. I also love the Immunity Juice from Pressed Juice. Food feels like it always happens on the run. Today I had Sultana Bran, a chicken schnitzel sandwich and honey mustard chicken for dinner. I think I ODd on chicken. Then I had two lindt chocolate balls and two glasses of red wine, okay, maybe three!”


“I tackle exercise in the afternoon/evening. It’s a bit all over the place. I try to exercise three times a week; tennis, PT and Pilates. Sometimes I get all three in, and other weeks nothing. I just started tennis last year.. cardio tennis actually, and they told me I might need a few lessons first.”



Picking the kids up from school.

“My hubby and I both try to drop the kids off and pick them up together. It’s nice family time. It happens about 90 per cent of the time depending who’s doing what for work.”

Home threads.

“I keep my jeans and tee or throw on some activewear.”


“My hubby cooks most of the time – he is a keeper! We don’t often have dessert but if we do it’s ice cream.”

Evening guilty pleasures.

“Ahhh Red Wine!”

The night.

“It’s usually spent working. And a wine or two! Once the kids are asleep I get more work done on the computer. When you are running your own business it’s 24/7.”

I am one lucky lady! The best family ever.. #werribiezoo #love #grateful

A photo posted by Chi Khi (@natbassingthwaighte) on Jan 14, 2016 at 11:47pm PST


The joys of parenting.


“Not sure I have one. It’s just get up and go go go.”


“I took my son to day care last week and didn’t realise it was fancy dress. Everyone was dressed up as fairies and super heroes and Hendrix – nothing! But he did take his toy plane so I told him he was a pilot.”

Did you scream at the kids today?

“Yes. About getting in the shower. It kills me when they take so long.”

Phone calls.

“Way too many. I am getting better but I feel it’s still too much. Maybe five calls – actually, I just checked and it’s 10 texts and seven emails and it’s a Sunday – ahh!”

00:00 / ???