
Natalie Bassingthwaighte talks about how she manages being a working mum.

It’s certainly not easy.

Being a working mum can be a tough gig. And for Natalie Bassingthwaighte, 39, being a celebrity makes no exception.

The mum-of-two has talked about being separated from her children, Harper, 4, and Hendrix, 2, during her time as a judge on The X Factor New Zealand and as you’d expect, it’s not easy.

Speaking to Mama Stylista, Bassingthwaighte explains she had to pick up and leave the kids at home in Australia, after finding out only 24 hours before that she would be a judge on the popular talent show.

While Bassingthwaighte has spent some time with them on and off during filming, say says this separation is the hardest part of her job. “That’s the worst bit, them not being here for four days. It’s very unusual for me to be away from them. It’s the hardest thing for sure,” she said.

Nat, her husband Cam and their children Harper and Hendrix.

And it's achieving a work life balance that Bassingthwaighte believes is the biggest struggle. "That’s the biggest juggle, as any working mum would say. I don’t know if it’s ever easy."

But Bassingthwaighte says she wouldn't be able to do it all if it wasn't for her husband  Cameron McGlinchey, 39, the former drummer for band The Rouge Traders. "The biggest thing for me is I have an amazing husband. We genuinely share the workload of being a parent. We are both from the entertainment industry so we don’t have Mon – Fri, 9-5 jobs."


Bassingthwaighte talks about the change in judges on The X Factor Australia. Post continues after video...

"We juggle, we have a big calender and we sit down and balance it out. The only things that are definite every week is my daughter goes to kindy Wednesdays and Fridays, both kids have gymnastics on Tuesdays and swimming on Thursdays," she continued.

So what comes first, work or family? Bassingthwaighte explains her life usually fits in around her kids and their schedules. "Outside of that we try and fit work. We’ll always have one of us with the kids and we have help 2 days a week. We’ll also try and do work when the kids have gone to bed from 8-11pm. I’m dying to have a night just sitting in front of the TV."

So she's just like the rest of us after all.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for more pictures of Natalie Bassingthwaighte with her family...

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