
Nara spent 3 months in prison for biting off her husband's tongue after months of abuse.

In 2016, Nara Walker married the love of her life, but their marriage wasn’t what she expected.

The Queensland artist, 28, says she spent months being raped, assaulted, and emotionally abused.

Her husband would give her a monthly allowance and would withhold money to punish her.

Here are the hidden numbers of domestic violence in Australia. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

The couple were living in Iceland in November 2017, in a flat with another man and woman, when the night took a turn.

Nara’s husband threw the man down the stairs, and when she interjected she says he redirected his violence towards her.

She was punched, kicked, had her ribs broken and vertebra sprained. Finally when he forced his tongue down her throat, Nara defended herself.

She bit down and ripped the tip of it off.

“I was crying and he kept yelling that I was his and calling me insults,” she told

The police were called and Nara was taken away.

“I was in shock from the whole situation, my body was in shock, my mind was in shock. When they found me I was crying on the stairs hiding,” she told the ABC.


“When they took me to jail I was in this state of disbelief that this was even happening.”

Nara Walker
Nara Walker spent three months in an Icelandic prison. Image: Facebook.

Her husband's tongue was able to be reattached, but he says it is considerably shorter than it was and has left him with a permanent speech impediment.

During court proceedings Nara admitted to hurting her husband, but throughout her arrest told investigators she acted in self-defence.


"I was afraid for him as well because I injured him and I've never injured anyone so that was a shock in itself," she told the ABC.

"I did not attack him. In that moment I was terrified for my life."

A few days after her arrest, Nara was released and taken back to the flat she shared with her husband.

She had no job, and authorities had confiscated her passport, so she found herself practically homeless in Iceland.

In 2018, Nara's trial was conducted in the Icelandic courts, where she detailed months of abuse at the hands of her husband. She even provided text messages where he admitted to putting the drug LSD in her tea.

But the Icelandic system doesn't always recognise domestic violence as a defence for assault.

She was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in prison with a nine month suspended sentence which meant only three months of community service. She also had to pay her husband AUD $15,000 in damages.

She appealed, and failed. Her community service was upgraded to three months in a maximum security prison.

Nara's lawyer believes she was at a disadvantage because she was a woman of foreign origin, and had uncertain residency status. She also didn't speak the language.

In February 2019, Nara was imprisoned.

As she entered the prison gates, she was surrounded by supporters who taped their mouths closed in protest.


She didn't have proper hot water the whole time she was there, there was little heating, and she found the experience very emotional as she reflected on her marriage.

She soon got into a routine of cooking, painting and using the gym. Eventually she was moved to a minimum security wing and given more privileges.

She has now served her time and has been released, but she still doesn't have her passport.

Nara is preparing to fight a deportation order from Iceland authorities which will stop her from visiting Schengen countries which is where her European art base is.

The 28-year-old is also hoping her continued fight will help shine a light on the treatment of domestic violence victims in Iceland.

Despite everything that's happened, Nara told the ABC she didn't have any resentment towards the country whose people had "welcomed her into their homes".

Nara's story is not too dissimilar to the case of Lorena Bobbitt in America, who chopped off her husband's penis after she was raped.

Lorena Bobbitt's trial, 1994. Image:Jeffrey Markowitz/Sygma/Getty

During Lorena's court case in 1994, the extent of the verbal, physical and emotional abuse she was subjected to was revealed. She spoke of being beaten so bad she looked like she'd been maimed by a wild animal, and spoke of repeated rape. Lorena was eventually found not guilty.

She never served a day in prison. Nara did, despite her act of violence being a reaction in the moment done "without intent". 

Nara is taking her case to the European Court of Human Rights.

"I want to own my life and for other women to own their "right to life" that is where I find the fire that burns in the pit of my belly to continue.

"The fight is not over until we are equal," wrote Nara on Facebook.

If you'd like to support Nara, whose been left with hefty court fees, her friends have started a GoFundMe.

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