A plea to daycares from a the mother of an exhausted child.
The one thing that drives me nuts about childcare.
I need to start this with a caveat, you know just in case.
Because the fact is that ALL childcare workers hold my complete and total admiration.
I entrust them with the safety and happiness of my children, time and time again.
They are dedicated, devoted, wonderful people, I am in awe of. (Am I making my point?)
And when I arrive to pick up my daughter and one of her carers is cuddling her, playing with her, engaging with her I am taken aback at the deep relationshship they have formed. It’s a beautiful thing.
Do you get it? Have I made it clear enough childcare workers rock my world?
And this is just a little but. A please-very-nicely-but.
A if-it-offends-I-take-it-straight-back but.
A please-still-love-my-daughter-as-much-as-you-do-if-you-read-this BUT:
Please stop making her nap during the day it is ruining my LIFE.
(Wooah there is another big caveat coming up just hang on)
You see (caveat ahead) I love my daughter and she is funny and endearing and sweet and generous. She is kind and wonderful to be around… until about 8pm. (7pm if truth be told).