
Wednesday's news in 5 minutes.

1. Camera captures nanny burning toddler with curling iron.

A woman has been charged with assault and endangering a child after a nanny cam captured her burning a toddler with a curling iron.

Nosipho Nxumalo, from Harlem, New York, was arrested after the boy’s mother noticed the toddler had burns on his left hand and watched home security footage showing the alleged abuse.

Footage shows the nanny checking the styling tool is hot as the boy cowers beneath her before she touches it to his hands and feet.

“After she burns him several times, you see her – you could tell she was telling him, ‘See that’s what happens when you don’t listen,’ and then she hugs him,” the boy’s mother, Angela Persaud, told NBC4 New York.

“She’s playing these warped mind games with my child, and it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”

Nosipho Nxumalo has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

2. Man kills mother with rolling pin and knife, court hears.

A man beat his 75-year-old mother with a rolling pin and stabbed her to death after a dispute over her will, a Melbourne court has heard.

Socrates Tamvakis, 45, appeared in court on Tuesday charged with the murder of his mother, Violet Tamvakis.

Mr Tamvakis, who has a mental illness, allegedly killed his mother after in the early hours of April 26 last year after finding out she was changing her will to ensure he could not sell the family home in Bentleigh, the Herald Sun reports.

The man’s two sisters spoke at the committal hearing, telling the court that Mr Tamvakis has had bipolar for about 25 years and had often been verbally abusive towards their mother, who was not trying to kick her son out of the family home, but just ensure he couldn’t sell it after her death.


“Socrates has said many times he was going to kill mum, but I never thought he’d do it,” Mrs Kotsabouikis told the court.

The Herald Sun reports Mr Tamvakis had been admitted to psychiatric clinics as an involuntary patient about 30 times since he was diagnosed with bipolar.

Mr Tamvakis pleaded not guilty to murder.

He was committed to stand trial at the Supreme Court of Victoria.

3. E-cigarette exploded in man’s face.

An e-cigarette exploded in a man’s mouth, leaving him with horrific burns and knocking out several teeth.

Andrew Hall, from Pocatello, Idaho, was getting ready for work and ‘vaping’ the e-cigarette when suddenly his device blew up in his face.

Mr Hall was rushed to hospital and treated in intensive care for the second-degree burns left by the explosion, which also knocked out seven of his teeth, The Sun reports.

Sharing his experience on Facebook, the man wrote that he hadn’t expected it was possible for the device to explode.

“I did not do anything I wasn’t supposed to (battery was in right, always had the shop put it together when I first bought it and add things and maintenance it the right way while taking their advice) but it exploded in my face,” he wrote.


“I vape (I know, terrible and uncool) but I no longer do and I hope to possible sway those that do to maybe re-evaluate or find other methods of smoking.

“I’m currently in the ICU and doing well so rest assured and these are very graphic photos.”

4. Canberra bushfire damages properties, threatens others.

A blaze that has damaged properties in the ACT and NSW is still burning out of control, threatening homes north-east of Canberra.

The grassfire, which burned more than 2500 hectares of bushland after sparking Tuesday afternoon, is believed to have damaged sheds, cars and possibly a house, but authorities could not confirm this, Seven News reports.

A spokesman for the Rural Fire Service said firefighters have managed to reduce the fire threat, with help from some rain, and a warning for residents in the Tarago area was downgraded to an advice about 10.30pm last night.

“At this stage the fire is still not contained, but this morning we plan to reassess the area,” he said.

Hot and windy conditions are predicted in the area for today.

5. Two people in hospital with flesh-eating disease .

A rare flesh-eating disease has hospitalised two people in western Sydney after they contracted the disease while in Polynesia.

The 57-year-old man and 46-year-old woman are in stable conditions in Blacktown Hospital with a condition known as necrotising fasciitis, Nine News reports.

The cases are unrelated.

There is no risk to public health and the community should not be alarmed, a Blacktown Hospitl spokesperson said.


Necrotising fasciitis is a fast-spreading bacterial skin infection which kills the body’s soft tissue and can lead to loss of limbs or death if left untreated.

6. Melbourne measles outbreak warning.

People who visited a busy shopping centre in Melbourne’s southeast are being warned they may be at risk of having contracted the disease after two teens were diagnosed.

Victoria’s chief health officer Professor Charles Guest said the siblings from Rowville may have been unwell when they travelled back to Australia from Kuala Lumpur on AirAsia flight D7214, which arrived at Tullamarine Airport on January 5, the Knox Leader reports.

The teens visited Fountain Gate Shopping Centre and a cinema with family on January 8 before they were taken to hospital, where they stayed between January 12 and 14, the proffesor said.

“One of the children was hospitalised for a short period of time at the Angliss Hospital before being diagnosed and then isolated,” Prof Guest said.

“Both are now recovering at home.

Prof Guest said the Victorian government’s health department was concerned more people may have been infected after coming into contact with the children.

He said measles had an incubation period of up to 18 days so people may have contracted the illness without knowing it yet.

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