
Nannies told us the most bizarre requests they've had from parents.

We put a lot of trust in the people who take care of our children. And babysitters and professional nannies get a better glimpse than most into our most raw and vulnerable moments.

So you'd think most parents would treat them like the helpful angels they are.

Well, apparently not.

After falling down a Reddit rabbit hole of the most wild requests current or former nannies have received from families, I put the question to our Mamamia community. And wowwwwwwww.

Watch: If toddlers could have conversations. Post continues below.

Video: Mamamia

From parents watching on security cameras and sending real-time feedback, to expecting them to attend parent-teacher interviews, nannies get some wild requests.

So I've now compiled the ultimate list of horror stories from former or current nannies. My jaw is on the floor… here we go.

Nanny horror stories.

Placenta bedroom.

"I once live-in nannied for a doula who would dehydrate the placenta of her clients. I'm okay with this. What I wasn't okay with was the fact she got a live-in exchange student the week after I moved in, so I moved into her windowless basement workroom with a couch for a bed, and she would occasionally cook placenta in my bedroom. It has a smell I'll never forget. Also, it takes 24 hours to dissipate." - * Maya.


Dear Diary, I am being filmed constantly.

"My first ever nanny family had cameras in various places in the house and would actively watch/record me. They also added another camera in an area that didn't have one previously where I played with the kids, so they could watch me there. When the weather got warm, I'd play in the yard, and she would reposition a camera so she could watch me interact there as well. They also had a journal for me to write about the day. On days I didn't have time, the mum would ask about where the entry was." - *Naomi.

Nanny-teacher interviews.

"I nannied for three girls and was asked to go to the eldest child's parent-teacher interview after her first semester in high school. I also had to take all the kids with me. It was weird for both me and the teacher." - *Rani.

Hot nanny.

"I once had a mum invite me to have coffee with her 'rich mum friends' to prove to them how secure she was with her and her husband hiring a 'hot nanny.' It made me feel awful and awkward and I hated every minute, so I gave up and said 'the show is over' and left." - *Emily.

The no-saying no rule.

"I had a two-year-old who was the most spoilt brat I've ever seen in my LIFE. The mum had a rule: to not say no to her kid. I'm not kidding; she meant it. If the kid took my stuff, I had to ask/wait for it back. She said I had to make sure everything is out of reach because it's my fault if her kid touches it. The best part? I also could only eat when the kid allowed… so if I tried to sit and eat with the family, the kid would cry." - *Fleur.


International flights with strangers.

"The child's mother lived in Israel and I was employed by the father to collect the boy (who was six) from Israel and bring him back to his father in Australia. When I turned up at Tel Aviv airport, the mother was shocked that the dad wasn't there. Because he HADN'T told her. She of course had reservations about handing over her child to a stranger." - *Emi.

Cloth nappy nightmare.

"Most Mondays I would arrive to find the entire weekend's worth of cloth nappies in the laundry (some in a bucket, some not). Even the soiled ones weren't cleaned or rinsed. The mum said something about the smell in the laundry being 'a dead mouse we found under the washing machine'. It was not." - *Solana.

Nanny car wash.

"He advised me the baby would sleep for about an hour-and-a-half in the day and during that time I 'can wash and detail the car'. He'd left out a bucket, shammy, vacuum and wheel cleaner… he was very put out when I explained I was not employed as a cleaner and would not be detailing the car while the baby slept." - *Calliope.

Nanny-only discipline.

"In an interview, I had parents tell me they were expecting the nanny to be the only one to discipline the children and that they would be doing no form of discipline on the weekend. They expected the children to behave well on the weekend, and if they didn't, then the parents would be holding the nanny responsible. Needless to say, I did not take the job." - *Sofia.


Great expectations.

"When I was 15, I was offered a regular three-night a week nanny job with a family of four kids (six months, three-year-old, five-year-old and seven-year-old ) from 4:30pm to 8:30pm for $50. During that time I was asked to cook dinner, clean the downstairs and upstairs (six-bedroom house) wash the dishes and vacuum/ sweep/mop floors. While also feeding, bathing and putting all four children to bed. Also feeding three pets." - *Devi.

Life-endangering cooking.

"I offered to cook dinner for the kid as the parents were running late, and cooked salmon the normal way and then got yelled at for 'exposing carcinogenics' to the kid. Never went back!" - *Mira.

Don't talk to the baby.

"I nannied for a family with one child (three months) for about a year. I went overseas with them and they had the craziest rules including I could not talk to the baby, the baby could not go on the floorboards so he had to stay on this rug in the family room (this was a massive struggle when he was crawling), I had to vacuum and mop the floors and wipe down any surface the baby could have touched. I ended up quitting for this family due to the immense stress of following these rules all the time!" - *Sarah.

Micro-managing from afar.

"I worked briefly for a family that had cameras everywhere. The mum would call or text at least a dozen times a day telling me to do things differently, or that I was doing it wrong. Like telling me I cut the bananas too small and used the wrong towel to wipe down the bench." - *Linh.



"I got there, and the mum said 'I'll watch a movie with the kids, you clean up from our dinner party last night!' There were dishes all over the house and they were covered in dried food. The plates and glasses weren't even next to the sink. I couldn't believe it. It took me three hours to get it all done." - *Lou.

Magical Christmas elf.

"I'll never forget the day he wanted me to wrap hundreds of Christmas presents and clean out a basement apartment for grandma in one nine-hour shift while keeping a six, four and two-year-old occupied." - *Ivy.

Make lunch while the baby sleeps (for free).

"I was interviewing with a family and towards the end of the interview the mum mentioned that while the baby napped (one-and-a-half hours) I would not be paid! She then proceeded to suggest that during that time I could make lunch for myself and the parents (whom work from home)" - *Belle.


"The first family I nannied for was a NIGHTMARE. The parents were sweet people, but complete hot messes. I was basically treated more like a housekeeper than a nanny (or "babysitter" as they called me, which I despised because it makes my job sound cute when I'm actually a professional!)

They were both huge slobs. I'd spend hours cleaning the downstairs, only to come back the next day and have it all be wrecked again. Toys strewn about, clothes I'd folded and put in baskets knocked over on the filthy floor, crumbs and bits of food everywhere." - *Yuna.

Wifi rays…

"I'm a postnatal doula so help people at home with their new babies. One couple was moving house, I was asked would it be possible for me to hold her baby while he slept while she and her husband just packed the last few boxes.


After about an hour, I started to feel quite sleepy and was worried I was going to start to doze so I grabbed my phone out of my bag. I normally wouldn't use my phone while working, but this was an unusual situation. The dad came in and said they do not allow phones around the new baby due to 'wifi rays' so I promptly apologised and put it away." - *Hana.

Ridiculous rules.

"I arrived to an eight-page set of house rules, laying out everything she had watched her sitters do on her nanny cams that she did not like and that were not allowed. The typical 'Don't use cell phones while in our home' etc were on the list, but the thing that took the cake were things like 'Don't eat in front of our baby because it's unfair to her feelings'." - *Jasmine.

Well, I don't know how they do it. Seriously, even just looking after other people's kids is a lot. I can't believe how ridiculous some people are and the unreasonable expectations that are actually down right RUDE!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

Have you ever had bizarre requests from parents as a nanny or babysitter? Share in the comments below.

Feature Image: The Nanny Diaries via Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

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