
Nadia Bartel shares her four "secrets" for glowy, pigmentation-free skin.

There’s nothing more nerve-wracking trying a facial treatment and not knowing how it’s going to turn out.

It’s one fear that was realised for Nadia Bartel. Rewind a few years ago, when Bartel visited a well-known clinic that appeared reputable.

“They convinced me to get IPL laser and they burnt my skin and used a laser that actually flared up hyperpigmentation in my skin,” she wrote in a new post on her blog, Chronicles of Nadia.

“You need to be aware that if you have darker skin tone (like I do), you are more prone to hyperpigmentation and lasers can actually flare up your problem, if they are in the hands of inexperienced clinicians.”

Watch: Mia Freedman on why she got laser treatment. Post continues after video.

“So I was left with patchy hyperpigmentation and skin that was far worse off than before I went there.”

Since then, Bartel has been visiting Toorak’s Liberty Belle Skin Clinic on the recommendation of a makeup artist friend.

While burnt skin is well in the past, having her son Aston earlier this year has thrown up a whole new set of skin problems for the blogger and founder of online boutique, The Con-Nection.


“Especially after being pregnant and having a baby I feel like my skin needs a lot more TLC (thanks to those pregnancy hormones, I have been left with more pigmentation than ever before),” she wrote.

A dedicated fan of peels, lasers and exfoliating treatments, Bartel has shared the tried and tested treatments that are the “secrets” behind her glowy skin. (Post continues after gallery.)

They’re not all for the faint-hearted though.

“I am not going to lie and say they are all enjoyable, some (okay most) of the treatments hurt like hell, but in the end, you won’t mind as your skin will never look better,” she says.

1. For congested skin.

To help banish everything from acne to fine lines, Bartel recommends ‘Dermasweep’, a gentler alternative to microdermabrasian that’s just as effective.

“It is less harsh on your skin (no crystals are used) instead an adjustable vacuum pressure is used which is regulated to your skin type and the strength you need. It also includes another important feature of infusion – of two powerful ingredients hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C- so it really feeds your skin with goodness at the same time,” she says.

“It leaves my skin feeling smooth, plump and glowing. It works wonders for pigmentation. It is a treatment that you need to continue to get every couple of months to keep your skin in tip notch condition.”


2. For instant glowing skin.

Got an upcoming event you want your skin in Beyonce-esque form for? Bartel recommends LED light therapy. Great for treating acne and getting skin glowing, plump and hydrated by boosting collagen synthesis, it’s pain-free too.

“This is one of the most comfortable treatments you will ever get. It’s a good one to get in winter as you are literally laying under a bright (and super warm, but not painful) light,” she wrote.


“I love getting this treatment a few days to a week before big events as your skin just keeps on glowing. Another bonus is the cost- this treatment is very reasonably priced, winning!”

3. For banishing hyperpigmentation.

Bartel credits the Clear and Brilliant Permea Laser Facial with working wonders on her pigmented, oily and open-pored skin.

It’s a less invasive (and cheaper!) alternative to the well-known Fraxel.

“This is one of those treatments that does hurt more than others; it feels like a hot zap. It’s not unbearable, and your face feels really warm (even hours after), but the girls give you a cooling hose that you can use on your face as the treatment is happening which eases the sting. Some parts of the face hurt more than others, like around the nose and hair line,” she wrote.

“If you think about how each zap is encouraging collagen production, cell renewal and increasing cell turnover, then it doesn’t feel too bad, and it’s over very quickly. Fifteen minutes max.” (Post continues after gallery.)

Skin is a little red afterwards, but makeup can be applied straight away if you don’t have down-time to spare.

“You have two to five days of your skin feeling really rough. Initially, I wasn’t sure if this was normal and I got worried. Don’t worry; it’s not obvious to anyone but you, by day seven all that rough skin exfoliates off and your skins texture and tone is incredible.”

4. For younger-looking skin.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore and now Bartel are all fans of Thermage, a treatment also known as ‘Pilates for your face’.


“I have been interested in this treatment for a while, but the price concerned me that’s why I only recently tried it out. I can tell you that I would definitely be getting it again as it fully lifted and tightened my face and plumped up areas (around my mouth and cheeks) you know all those parts of the face that lose collagen and fullness,” she wrote.

The results come with a price though – literally, it’s expensive and painful.

“I must also mention the pain, eeeek! This is one of the most painful facials I have ever experienced, but I was warned about this when I booked in. It’s bad but it is still bearable, and it’s short zaps on and off. They have to heat up your face to a pretty uncomfortable temperature, so collagen is reaching that effective heat for tightening,” she wrote.

Image: Instagram/@nadiabartel

"This treatment is also great for those of you that have ever considered getting fillers to plump up your face but this is non-invasive and actually stimulates the formation of new collagen, which promotes tightening over time."

Before undergoing any treatment for the first time, always discuss with a professional about what will work and suit your skin best.

Image: Instagram/@nadiabartel.

What's your go-to facial treatment?

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