
Nadia Bartel's hair washing routine will have lazy girls cheering.

Looking at Nadia Bartel‘s hair, with its loose, slightly disheveled waves and sun-kissed colour, you’d assume it required a considerable amount of time and styling each morning.

Yet, in news that might surprise you, Bartel’s signature style is more low-maintenance than it appears.

For one thing, she has a hair washing routine that’ll have the lazy girls of Australia cheering.

During the national Hair Expo in Sydney yesterday, the fashion blogger, owner of The Con-Nection boutique, and wife of AFL player Jimmy Bartel explained she only washes her hair “once a week” because it holds curls so well.


Yep, that’s once a week.

Bartel is only human; so, we have no doubt dry shampoo is key to this lasting long (in fact, she told Mamamia the product was her “saviour” as a new mum). Regardless, that’s the kind of hair routine we can only dream of.


Booking in for $150 blow-dries from A-list hairdresser Maria Uva of Prahran’s Uva Salon probably helps matters, too.

Uva, who interviewed Bartel on stage at the Expo alongside award-winning stylist Joey Scandizzo, went on to explain the process behind the 31-year-old’s lovely sun-kissed colour.


“I deepen her roots and I like to keep the ends lighter. I try to make it looks like she has a ‘lived-in colour’,” she told the audience. (Post continues after gallery.)

Unlike some celebrities, Bartel doesn’t tend to oscillate between hairstyles. She’s been favouring her chic brushed-out waves for a few years now, even wearing the look to her wedding in 2014.

In an interview with Beauticate a couple of years back, she explained years of styling her hair this way at home had led to her being “super quick” at it.

“I use a big curling tong to add volume and movement to my hair, set it with Morocconoil hair spray then brush out my curls to make it look more natural,” she told the website.

As she explained at the Hair Expo, there’s a reason for her consistency of style. “I hate my profile and I hate my nose, so I don’t like having my hair pulled back from my face,” she told the audience, adding that she knows she “needs” to try new styles.

Watch: uses for dry shampoo that don’t involve your hair. (Post continues after video.)

However, there’s been one life event that’s changed the look of Bartel’s hair — the birth of her son Aston James last November.


Like many new mums, Bartel found herself with significantly less volume than she had during pregnancy.

“Two months ago [when Aston was about four months old], I noticed lots of my hair falling out in clumps and my hair is much finer and patchy around my hairline,” she told Mamamia last month.

Go daddy go ????

A photo posted by CHRONICLES OF NADIA (@nadiabartel) on Apr 16, 2016 at 1:50am PDT

“I had been warned by my girlfriends that are mums and my hairdresser that this can happen. I didn’t believe it was a real thing until it happened to me.”

Fortunately, she’s found a couple of key products that help her create some volume.


“I love Sebastian Drynamic [$28.90] dry shampoo [even] when my hair isn’t dirty, as it works to give my hair some volume around my hairline, which is where I am losing lots of hair and this brand doesn’t leave my hair with white marks,” she said.


“I also use Kevin Murphy’s Powder Puff [$38.95] as it gives my hair some more grit and makes it look thicker.”

So there you have it.

How often do you wash your hair?

Featured image: Getty.

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