Put the dishwasher on. Let the tradie in. Pop your daughter in front of Peppa Pig. Then start a meeting with senior executives to determine your company’s strategies for the next six months.
All in the space of 15 minutes.
I know. It sounds like an urban fantasy, right? But this is becoming a reality for an increasing number of career women who are working at home. With the rollout of the NBN across Australia providing access to office-like internet speeds and technology to homes across the country, more people are able to efficiently carry out their roles on their own terms than ever before.
And it seems employers are behind the push for this. According to the Telstra Work Life Index, nearly twice as many employers (48%) say it’s feasible for their staff to work at home, compared to the number of employees actually taking it up (25%).
I do consider myself lucky to be part of that statistic. I work from home three days a week, because I have a three-hour round-trip commute that would be a total punish if I had to do it every day. But when people hear that I work from home, they sometimes assume that I’m bludging. Well, let me share four myths about working from home that can be instantly busted.