
My Kitchen Rules' Amy details what happened when she confronted Josh away from cameras.

It was a moment that left My Kitchen Rules contestants stunned and viewers outraged – Broome man Josh Meeuwissen called Amy Murr a “sl*t” as she served him his meal.

The Brisbane woman and her brother Tyson were hosting the other contestants in their instant restaurant when, while serving Josh an entree, he responded “Thanks sl*t”.

Amy told News Corp the comment upset her at the time, but she chose to wait to confront him.

Listen: This is why there’s a huge problem with this season of My Kitchen Rules.

“Josh definitely crossed the line with that comment,” Murr told News Corp. “He didn’t use very good judgment.

“We all know that Josh is a bit of a shit-stirrer and likes to get reactions out of people by saying things he probably shouldn’t.

“But that comment was taking it too far. To have him say that was quite upsetting.”

Taken aback by the comment, Amy told News Corp instead of confronting him right away she focused on cooking the rest of her restaurant’s courses.

Amy chose to confront Josh the next day off-camera. (Image via Channel Seven.)

"I put it at the back of my mind and focused on what I had to do that night but I did speak to him the next day."

"I didn’t feel that addressing the comment at the table in front of the other judges and contestants with 1.5 million people was the right thing to do."

Josh said that when she spoke to him "like an adult" he sincerely apologised and she accepted.

"He now understands very clearly that it is never appropriate or funny to say that to someone."

In an interview on breakfast radio ahead of Wednesday night's episode. Josh told Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O that he apologised to his fellow home cook off-camera and they're now "friends".

Amy may have forgiven Josh for the shocking slur, but viewers sure haven't.

Josh, who has also been facing criticism from MKR fans and fellow contestants for his treatment of wife Amy, received an onslaught of fury on social media after the comment aired.

However, many Twitter users were asking why no one at the table called out the behaviour immediately, and why the comment was even aired.

Josh himself told the KIIS FM hosts that he did not think his remark should have been aired.

"Amy and I are still friends. I was shocked that they (My Kitchen Rules’ producers) said they were going to show that comment."

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