real life

85,000 people want this show cancelled. And it hasn't even aired yet.

There’s a new show coming into your lounge room that follows young couples as they navigate marriage.

Sounds simple enough, right?

But these couples have a twist. They appear straight, but the men in the marriages are gay. And because they’re Mormons, they’re not allowed to be.

American television network TLC has created the show, titled My Husband’s Not Gay, and it’s attracted much criticism.

my husband's not gay
One of the Mormon couples. Image via TLC.


The network infiltrated a Mormon community and carefully selected men who are identify as gay, then filmed them talking about how they must be with a woman because being gay is against their religion.


Gay pastor Allan Edwards is attracted to men but happily married to a woman.

The show will follow three couples and one ‘bachelor’ who are attracted to men but are with women because they think they have to be. They believe their sexuality is an “issue” that can be overcome through faith in God.

You can watch the trailer below. Post continues after video. 

In the trailer, the men spit off a variety of lines that are shocking to listen to.

“No marriage is perfect, but we believe we can overcome anything with our faith in God.” 

“I like to say I’ve chosen an alternative to an alternative lifestyle.” 

“The whole act is against the teachings of the gospel.” 

my husband's not gay
Two of the gay men featured on the show. Image via TLC.


And that’s just from an 80-second trailer.

This gay couple’s response to “faggots” attack is perfect.

These men denying their natural sexuality is being filmed for your enjoyment while a television network send the message to viewers that your sexual orientation, if it isn’t classed as ‘straight’, must be covered up.

And understandably, people are a little bit offended.

my husband's not gay
The couples and the bachelor in a ‘counselling’ session. Image via TLC.


President and CEO of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) released a statement that slammed the show, calling it irresponsible.

“No one can change who they love, and, more importantly, no one should have to. By investing in this dangerous programming, TLC is putting countless young LGBT people in harm’s way,” She said.

Gay Mormon comes out to his community. And records their reactions.

Her statement comes after a petition began circulating that calls for TLC to cancel the program. It already has over 85,0000 signatures.

my husband's not gay
Two of the gay men in the show. Image via TLC.


The petition read:

“I’m urging you to cancel your upcoming special, ‘My Husband’s Not Gay,’ which promotes the false message that gay people can and should choose to be straight in order to be part of their faith communities.

“The men featured in this show deserve to be shown compassion and acceptance.

“Instead, TLC is presenting their lives as entertainment while sending the message that being gay is something that can and ought to be ‘changed’ or that you can fight your sexual orientation by marrying someone of the opposite sex.”

my husband's not gay
One of the couple. Image via TLC.


Their sexuality and their religion is their business, of course.

But when it is packaged and marketed to a vulnerable audience filled with members of the LGBT community, it sends the message that their sexuality is something to be ashamed of.

And that’s absolutely not okay.

You can sign the petition by clicking here. TLC are also welcoming feedback by using the hashtag #MyHusbandsNotGay.

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