Recently, I have begun to think a lot and write about marriage. Marriage in general has been on my mind, but also my marriage which turns 14 in two weeks' time.
I recently wrote a piece for Mamamia about my plan one day to stay married to my lovely husband, but to live alone because I love him, but I also love space and I have never lived alone, and one day I want to.
Goodness, there were some big feelings about this – the comments were wild. Many commenters were women who fervently expressed that they too want to live alone but stay together one day (but with all of us pretty much recognising it's beyond our financial means). But many commenters were very angry with me for saying this is what I wanted, telling me I clearly didn't really want to be married, that I was selfish, and that my marriage was clearly screwed.
I wasn't really offended (I didn't read most of the comments), but instead I took it as a reflection of the fact that as a society we don't talk much about what marriage can be. There is no one way to do marriage and there are all kinds of things that make different couples marriages work.
As a culture, we talk a lot about falling in love, about big, beautiful weddings, and then we talk about falling out of love and bitter, unhappy divorces, but we talk very little about the mundane beauty of long marriage and the things that keep people happily married year in and year out.
But I'll tell you. It's my girlfriends that keep me happily married.