There’s an easy fix for those moments when you’re feeling less-than-great about your body. How did I not know about this before?
When you’re flicking through social media and you find yourself flooded with images of your friends, relatives, and random people you follow on Instagram parading their bodies around, what do you do?
If you’re anything like me, you feel a pang of jealousy inside you. Your mind starts racing with uncharitable thoughts and excuses as you subconsciously compare yourselves to them.
But there’s a fix for this feeling, and it’s about to empower a whole lot of women around the world.
Read more: Whenever anyone talks about body image, something strange happens.
Last weekend, I was trawling through my feed while wearing daggy pyjamas, my hair in a bun and my face make up, but not pimple, free. I follow a lot of models, actresses and other famous people – not out of jealousy, but out of genuine interest. The only downside to this is that, in amongst the photos of their extravagant lives are their heavily-edited, highly-retouched photos of themselves and their bodies. And this does not always do good things to a woman’s self esteem.
But here’s where the fix comes in. There’s a website that’s groundbreaking in its concept, delightful in its aim and utterly brilliant at its core.