real life

MUST SEE: Your kids are under attack. Get in first

You’re not the only one talking to your child about their body. Not by a long way…

Have you ever considered the number of negative body image messages your child is bombarded with every, single day?

Dove has released a video as part of their Campaign For Real Beauty of what your girls are absorbing about their bodies from the world around them. The aim is to show you exactly what their little brains are soaking up and it’s shocking.

Watch the ad here.

What’s especially disturbing about this video is that it’s six years old, but is as relevant today as it was when it was made.

Mothers tie ourselves in knots about how we protect our children from these messages? How do we make them realise how perfect they are and how to love themselves? How do we make them understand that they need to ignore the constant chatter of the industries designed to make us feel inadequate, just so we seek their products and services as so-called solutions?

It’s a tough one.

At the very least we can start doing exactly what Dove has suggested: Start talking to our children about beauty before the media does.

We aren’t the only influence on our children so we’d better be the best influence.

What do you do to help your child develop a healthy body image?

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