
Monday's news in 5 minutes.

1. Teenager murdered by her ex-boyfriend six months after police fined her for ‘wasting their time’.

Six months before 19-year-old Shana Grice was allegedly murdered at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, she had been fined by police for “causing wasteful employment of police by making a false report”, The Independent reports.

Grice’s ex-boyfriend, 27-year-old Michael Lane, is currently on trial for her murder after her body was discovered in her bedroom last August.


The court has heard how Lane was “obsessed” with Grice after she got back together with her previous partner.

Grice had told police in February 2016 that she was being stalked by Lane, after he hid outside her house, left her flowers and wrote a menacing note claiming that “Shana will always cheat on you” on her new boyfriend’s car.

A month later, she reported that she had been assaulted by Lane, but he denied the allegation and showed police text messages ‘proving’ she wanted to be in a relationship with him.

Police issued her with a fixed-penalty notice, because she had not told them that Lane was her on-off boyfriend.

A month before her murder, Lane allegedly stole his ex-girlfriend’s keys, snuck into her apartment and watched her sleep.

Grice continued to alert police that she was being followed by Lane, and that he called her and made “heavy breathing” sounds. Her complaints were labelled “low risk” by police.

Lane claims he had sex with Grice two nights before she was found dead with her throat slit, and told the court he was “shocked” when he discovered her body in her home.

“I saw her slumped against the bed. She wasn’t moving. I saw blood on the bed and blood on the floor. She was in her dressing gown. I thought she was dead. I didn’t know what to do,” he said.

He denied he murdered the 19-year-old. The trial continues.


2. Inquest into death of newborn, who died after his skull was fractured during C-section birth.

The family of a newborn who unexpectedly died at a Brisbane hospital hopes a coronial inquest into his death will prevent future tragedies, AAP reports.

Nixon Tonkin never breathed on his own and died shortly after being delivered at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in June 2014 at 38 weeks gestation.


Deputy state coroner John Locke is this week set to probe how Nixon’s skull was fractured when a midwife attempted to free him during a caesarean birth.

The Brisbane Coroner’s Court has previously heard the not uncommon manoeuvre didn’t usually cause such catastrophic injuries but cases had been reported.

In a statement, Nixon’s family said they were grateful for the investigation into what went wrong.

“We hope that the inquest will reveal what could have been done to help prevent Nixon’s death and make recommendations to prevent future tragedies of this sort,” the statement said.

The family said they also wanted to raise awareness about Ryan’s Rule, which allows relatives to request a second opinion if they are not satisfied with a hospital’s care or response.

3. Man arrested after he stabbed a priest in the neck moments before mass in a Melbourne church.


A 72-year-old man has been arrested after a Melbourne priest was stabbed in the neck in an apparently racially-fuelled attack, AAP reports.

The man was being questioned on Sunday night following the attack in the church foyer of St Matthew’s Parish in Fawkner on Sunday morning.

A man armed with a knife stabbed Reverend Tomy Kalathoor Mathew, 48, moments before the priest was due to say the 11am Italian-language mass.

It’s believed the offender took issue with the priest’s Indian heritage and accused him of being a Hindu or a Muslim.

“This is appalling behaviour and people should never be treated like this,” said Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne spokesman Shane Healy.

Vicar General Monsignor Greg Bennet said the priest was doing well in hospital and wanted to get back to work soon.

“His thoughts are only for his parishioners,” he said.


Before the man was arrested, police told reporters they believed the incident was isolated.

4. The British backpacker who was “held hostage and raped” is now the victim of a “revenge porn” attack.

The 22-year-old British backpacker who was allegedly held against her will, raped and forced on a 1500-kilometre road trip through remote Queensland is now the victim of a revenge porn attack, The Herald Sun reports.

Police say they are searching for a second unrelated person after the woman’s non-sexualised images were used in online advertisements for sex.


The ad calls her a “Swedish backpacker” and encourages violent sexual acts. It was shared on a Cairns escort website.

“I’ve spoken to friends and witnesses who corroborate her version she wasn’t doing that and it was quite likely another person who had access to those pictures,” Senior Constable Dave Harper told News Corp Australia.

“The phone number [on the sites] wasn’t hers. It has no association with her whatsoever.”

The woman was rescued by police officers on March 5 after they pulled her car over when she left a petrol station without paying for fuel.

A woman working at the service station at the time said the woman was “crying and shaking” and was “really upset” when she was in the store.

The woman’s ordeal at the hands of her 22-year-old ex-boyfriend has been dubbed the “highway to hell attack” by media.

The man involved was charged with four counts of rape; eight counts of assault; four counts of strangulation; two counts of wilful damage; two counts of deprivation of liberty; drug possession charges; and one count of obstructing police.

5. Mum on her way home from work killed by drunk teenage driver in an allegedly stolen ute.


A drunk teenager at the wheel of an allegedly stolen car was involved in a fatal crash near Geelong, Victoria, 7 News reports.

The 18-year-old man – who is still fighting for his life at the Royal Melbourne Hospital – collided head-on with the car of Pamela Clark at about 12:25 am on Sunday, police say.

Clark, 35, died shortly after the collision, and was the restaurant manager at a winery located around 500 metres from the crash site.

A witness told 7 News reporters she heard a “big bang” as she was heading to bed.


“I was just on the verge of sleeping and heard it and thought, ‘Oh, I know that noise’, because we’ve had accidents out here before,” Sandra Adams said.

Sandra and others rushed to help those involved in the crash, but were unable to help.

“The cars…there was lots of smoke and just chaos really and everyone just running to try and help,” she said.

“It’s devastating to see something like that.”

Police believe the Holden ute was involved in another minor accident just before the fatal crash, and are appealing for anyone with information or dashcam footage to come forward.

6. Latest Newspoll survey shows massive jump in the Coalition’s popularity.


Voter support for the government has resurged with the latest Newspoll showing a significant rise for the coalition – up three percentage points in three weeks.

As parliament returns this week for a crucial fortnight before the budget, the coalition is at 48 per cent to Labor’s 52. That’s compared to February polling which had Labor at 55 to the coalition’s 45 on a two-party preferred basis.

The coalition’s primary vote has grown from 34 to 37 per cent while Labor’s has dropped 37 to 35 per cent.

The Australian reports this is the biggest single rise for the Coalition government since Malcolm Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister in 2015.

The poll was taken after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement of a $2 billion upgrade of the Snowy Hydro scheme.

The poll also revealed the Green’s primary vote has also dropped one point, to nine per cent.

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