
Wednesday's news in 5 minutes.

We’ve rounded up all the latest stories from Australia and around the world – so you don’t have to go searching.

1. Mum’s heartbreak at coroner’s findings into newborn’s death.

A Melbourne mother has said she is heartbroken after the coroner failed to find a clear reason for her newborn’s death.

According to the ABC Sonja Jamsek’s daughter, Summer, died from a condition known as pulmonary hypertension 16 hours after being born on April 4, 2010.

A video of her taken just moments after she was born shows a nervous looking Ms Jamsek trying to smile with newborn lying on her chest.

Her husband, taking the video says “First film, sweetie, first of many.”

“She had a bit of trouble waking up.” Ms Jamsek says.

“She has daddy’s personality. She hasn’t cried yet though. She’s not a cry baby,”

Ms Jamsek then asks questions about her daughter’s health to the midwife as to why she has not tried to feed, and what noises she is making.

The footage shows Summer blue and lethargic, symptoms which were later identified by a more experienced midwife who ordered the baby into specialist care.

Ms Jamsek said Summer did not cry until seven hours after she was born, when a member of the Newborn Emergency Transport Service told her to prepare herself because “your baby’s as sick as a baby can get”.

“And I knew, I knew then and there, everything I had been saying was true and my baby was going to die,” she told 7.30.

Ms Jamsek believes Summer died because of a “cascading series of delays and missed opportunities” by the midwives and doctors treating her.


“She never had an opportunity to survive, because she wasn’t given the medical treatment that she deserved,” Ms Jamsek told 7.30.

According to 7.30 the paediatrician was asked twice in an hour, by ambulance paramedics on the phone, whether Summer had been given antibiotics, but they were not administered until the paramedics arrived.

The baby was rushed to the Children’s Hospital but it was too late.

Coroner Phillip Byrne ruled Summer likely died of the naturally-occurring pulmonary hypertension.

“While I cannot absolutely discount the possibility Ms Jamsek’s use of (antidepressant) Lexapro during pregnancy impacted upon baby Summer, that prospect, is, in my view, highly unlikely,” he said.

“On balance I am comfortably satisfied it did not.”

He also ruled the actions of medical staff were not “causal factors”.



2. ADF recruits forced to rape.

 Warning: This item contains details of sexual abuse and may be distressing for some readers.

The child abuse royal commission has heard that teenage Australian Defence Force recruits were subjected to horrific sex acts that allegedly caused one to suicide.

In his opening address to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, counsel assisting the commission Angus Stewart, SC, said navy recruits were subjected to “ritualised practices of bastardisation that were designed to break in and humiliate new entrants”.


The latest royal commission case study is focusing on HMAS Leeuwin from 1960 to 1980, the Army Apprentice School Balcombe in the period 1970 to 1980 and ADF Cadets since 2000.

The first witness, known as CJA, a survivor of child sexual abuse gave evidence but through his solicitor.

The hearing was told he was subjected to vicious assaults by other recruits at HMAS Leeuwin in Western Australia in 1967, but was warned by the navy chaplain not to “rat” on the perpetrators.

“At night I was physically and sexually abused multiple times by the navy police,” he said through his solicitor.

“The sexual abuse consisted of oral sex, masturbation and buggery.”

On multiple occasions I was snatched in the middle of the night and dragged to a sports oval,” he said.

“I was forced to suck another recruit’s penis or lick a junior recruit’s anus. This was often after another recruit had been buggered by an older recruit and ejaculated into.

“Other times I was forced to have anal intercourse with junior recruits or I was raped by another junior recruit who was directed to do so by the older recruits or base staff,” said CJA. “This happened repeatedly.”

CJA said the advice he received from his seniors was: “Suck it up boy, I did it, and it will make a man of you.”

More than 110 people have contacted the commission for its inquiry into the Australian Defence Force.


The royal commission will also investigate the current ADF cadet program, which has more than 25,000 active ADF cadet members in 544 cadet units across Australia.

The Vice-Chief of the Australian Defence Force, Vice-Admiral Ray Griggs, has been called to give evidence of institutional responses to the commission.

National counselling helpline 1800 737 732.  Adults Surviving Child Abuse Counselling and support for adult survivors of child abuse: 1300 657 380


2. Anti-vaccination program for “gifted kids.”

A program that offers gifted students extra resources and support and is used in more than 30 Victorian schools is promoting anti-vaccination propaganda and urging students to avoid Wi-Fi in schools.

Pat Slattery, the founder of the program, WiseOnes, posted on her website that gifted children have “extra sensitivities to food or chemicals” and are prone to developing negative health reactions to vaccinations. She offered parents vaccination exemption forms saying “I am willing to help educate online any children of vaccine refusers.”

In a post, quoted by The Age but now removed from her website Ms Slattery says “I am concerned because we know how much more sensitive gifted children are due to their extra neurological connections. Giving them neurotoxins seems illogical.”

WiseOnes offers one-hour weekly sessions – which cost parents about a couple of hundred dollars per term.

Ms Slattery also links leukemia and brain tumours to radiation from Wi-Fi and microwaves.


A Victorian Education Department spokesman told The Age “Schools are responsible for choosing curriculum resources and programs that best meet the needs of their communities and help students reach their full potential”.

“WiseOnes is used by a small number of schools as a resource to help gifted students succeed and does not contain any reference to either vaccinations or Wi-Fi.

3. Four-year-old among Australians injured in Vanuatu.

A four-year-old girl is among the six Australians who have been flown from Vanuatu to Brisbane after a fatal bus crash.

The group were on a P&O Cruise.

Twelve Australians were on a tour bus that collided head-on with another bus in Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila on Tuesday.

Three locals were killed in the crash and 10 Australians were badly injured. An 11-year-old boy remains in hospital in Noumea with critical head injuries.

The collision happened as the tourists were returning to their P&O cruise ship Pacific Dawn after a day trip.

4. Victorian students in hospital after taking drugs on school camp.

Two school students have been admitted to a Queensland hospital after allegedly taking drugs while on a school camp in the Gold Coast.

The students from Brentwood Secondary College in Glen Waverley were among four students who took drugs, thought to be LSD, while on the camp. Two were hospitalised.

College Principal Vicki Forbes told The Herald Sun “I expect more from our students and those involved can expect to face serious consequences for their unacceptable behaviour,” she said.


“We work hard to educate our students about the harms of drug use and drug incidents are rare at our school,”

But, I want to be clear — this sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable at our school,” she said.

The year 10 students were attending a six-day camp.

5. 45 per cent of Australians think we should distance ourselves from the US if Trump wins.

A poll has shown how nervous Australians are of Donald Trump with 45 per cent of Australians thinking we should distance ourselves from the US if Mr Trump wins the presidency.

The poll by the Lowy Institute shows that in two years Australians attitudes towards the US had changed. When asked two years ago which relationship was more important, 48 per cent said the US and 37 per cent said China. It is now even.

Nearly six in 10 say they would be less likely to support Australia taking future military action in coalition with the US under Trump.

The institute’s executive director Michael Fullilove said the US was the only country towards which feelings cooled significantly this year reports The Financial Times.

“Furthermore, attitudes to the ANZUS alliance, which has stood at the centre of Australia’s security since 1951, seem to be moving, perhaps in response to the weirdness of the 2016 presidential race,” he said.

6. Australian officials call for urgent security upgraded for Rio Olympics.

Australian officials have called for urgent security upgrades just months before the 2016 Olympic Games reports The Herald Sun.

Aussie Paralympian Liesl Tesch was robbed at gunpoint on a Rio street on Sunday.


The six-time Paralympian and gold medallist was returning from a bike ride with team official Sarah Ross when two men pushed them to the ground.

“I pulled up my shirt to show I didn’t have anything (money),” Tesch said.

The men stole their bikes.

The latest incident comes just months after a shooting in front of an Australian Olympic official in a restaurant.

Australian Olympic Team chef de mission Kitty Chiller yesterday called for Rio organisers to immediately boost security.

The Rio organisers need to introduce the extra security precautions as soon as possible before an athlete gets hurt. We have written to them today asking them to address this issue,” she said.

7. David Cameron makes personal appeal for Britain to stay in the EU.

David Cameron has pleaded with parents and grandparents to vote to stay in the European Union for the sake of the younger generations of Britons.

The British Prime Minister made a personal plea warning that the economic impact of Brexit would hit jobs and opportunities for years to come.

“These are risks to our families and we should not take them,” he said.

He warned that “future generations” would be “hit hardest” as he spoke outside 10 Downing Street.

Mr Cameron said: “For you, for your family, for the future of our country, vote Remain.”

His plea comes a day before the country votes whether or not to stay in the European Union in a referendum.


High profile celebrities David and Victoria Beckham have also thrown their support behind the campaign to keep Britain in the EU.

8. Heinz pulled toddler’s product from market after ACCC complaint.

A toddler product marketed as being “99 per cent fruit and veg” is more than 60% sugar.

The snack “Shredz” is promoted as being “99 per cent fruit and veg” and a way to introduce children aged 1 to 3 years old to healthy eating.

But the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says Heinz falsely presents Shredz as a healthy food with the same nutritional value of fresh fruit and vegetables and alleges the company could be misleading parents.

The Age reports that the ACCC filed action in the Federal Court after a complaint by the Obesity Policy Coalition about products mostly made from fruit juice concentrates and pastes, which are much higher in sugar than whole fruit and vegetables.

Heinz pulled the products from sale late in the ACCC’s investigation.

ACCC chairman Rod Sims said, “If you look at something saying it’s 99 per cent fruit and veg, which it prominently displayed – most people would think that’s fairly low in sugar. An apple is about 10 per cent sugar [but] these products are between 60 and 70 per cent sugar.”

Heinz told The Age “Heinz takes labelling of products very seriously and complies with all Australian labelling and food laws.”

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