
This woman gave birth in a Chewbacca mask - and it sums up labour perfectly.

Without having experienced it myself, I’d hazard a guess that most people don’t have much of a sense of humour when it comes to labour. Something about the whole pushing-a-human-baby-out-of-your-vagina thing doesn’t seem all that funny.

But for one mum from Detriot, wearing a frighteningly realistic Chewbacca mask during labor felt like the obvious way to cope with the pain.

Earlier this week, Katie Curtis gave birth to a boy, Jayden. Then on January 2, she posted a video of her labor to Facebook.

Oh Chewwie.

The Chewbacca mask she's chosen to wear, of course, translates her words (screams? Cries? Moans?) into Shyriiwook, the language of Wookiees in Star Wars. 

Essentially, if I had to transcribe what she's saying, it would go something like: "UGHHHHH. AUGHHHHHHHH. UHHHHH. OHHHGHHHHSSSQPRS. UGGGGH."

Alongside the video, the new mum wrote, "Just because I’m about to be a mom doesn’t mean I have to grow up! Bwahahahahs never take life too seriously! Best Christmas gift ever!"


It's had almost 70,000 views so far, with hundreds of comments, oscillating between messages of congratulations for the new mum, and the acknowledgement that mums really do feel, look and sound like Chewbacca during labour.

Last May, a VERY SIMILAR Chewbacca mask helped US mum Candace Payne go viral, when she just...literally...couldn't the goddamn...mask.

It's nice to see that no matter how much has changed over the last nine months, a woman in a Chewbacca mask will still bring the Internet to breaking point.

For more weird and wonderful parenting stories, listen to This Glorious Mess, the podcast for imperfect parents. 

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