
Mum vs Life: Jodie Oddy "Raising kids is like trying to negotiate with terrorists"

Welcome to the latest installment of our Mum vs Life series. Each week we’ll feature a prominent Aussie mum and take you through her day.

This week we talk to Jodie Oddy, radio announcer at Adelaide’s Mi 102.3, mother of three and wife of Greg Oddy, captain of the Australian Hockey Team.

Jodie Oddy

Run us through your typical day?

Alarm goes off at 4.30am. I inject copious amounts of caffeine into my body before we are on air at 6 until 9.
We then have interviews and planning meetings until around 11am.

The rest of the day is spent looking after two little ones under two.  I don't know what happens, it’s a blur of yoghurt, naughty step visits, rancid nappies, baths and me feeling like I’m trying to negotiate with terrorists.

What are the challenges you face?

Time management.  It's sometimes difficult to focus on work, worrying what's happening at home and how can you be all things to all people.

What is your favourite time of the day?

Easy.  6pm is kids bedtime and the first of several life-saving glasses of wine.

When is the last time you almost lost your cool when dealing with your kids?

One minute ago as I was trying to respond to these questions and one of the ‘terrorists’ screamed at the fridge for more yoghurt.

When is the last time one of your children embarrassed you in public?

We just holidayed in Bali for a wedding.  The eldest daughter (12) was swimming in the adults only pool.  She was instructed to behave like a grown up, but 6 minutes in and she was screaming 'look Mummy it's a SQUIRELLLLLLLL'


Have you ever embarrassed one of your children in public?

Every morning between 6-9am.  They want to start their own radio show so they can detail all my screw ups in return.

How does being a modern mum make you feel? What are the specific challenges you face?

I love that as a modern mum we have options and opportunities because as woman we fought so hard for them. Unfortunately there are too many men who don't place much value on retaining and fostering working mothers.  Except my workplace, they are wonderful.

How do you get everything done and ensure you pay enough attention to your children?

It's difficult.  It's tempting to answer work emails rather than read a book to your kids.  So it takes discipline.

Was it hard to go back to work after becoming a mum?

My work let me broadcast from home which eased so many pressures.  I realise how lucky I am on that front.

How do you make weekends special for your family or are they just as crazy and busy as weekdays?

My husband plays sport and travels every second weekend so I would simply not function without family help.  But I love our weekends because we get to have fun with the kids rather than yell at them for not getting in the car or cleaning their teeth!

Are you an involved mum when it comes to school and activities or do you prefer to take a step back?

I step back much to my eldest daughters chagrin.  But I'm hoping if I work hard now I can be more involved later.


What kind of questions do your children ask you about your work?

Primarily to stop revealing embarrassing information about her in a public forum.

If you could ask for any sort of parenting advice, what would it be?

So many questions, mainly pertaining to toddler tantrums. Can I write the producers and creators of Baby Jake on BBC Beebies a personal thank you note for saving my sanity?

If you could share one thing you’ve learned about motherhood, what would it be?

That no Mother is perfect.  Stay at home mothers are amazing.  Working mothers are too.  We all have to do what works as long as love is the primary motivation.

Jodie Oddy has been on breakfast radio at Adelaide's Mix 102.3 for the past six years. The "Jodie, Mark and Snowy" show is Adelaide's number one breakfast show. Jodie is a Canberra native, studied communications at Griffith University and worked at SAFM on the switch before moving on to a role as weekend sports presenter on Triple M Adelaide, and then Mix 102.3.

Jodie is a proud WAG. She was previously married to former Test Cricketer Greg Blewett. The couple share a 12-year-old daughter. She is now married to Australian Hockey Team captain Greg Oddy and they have two daughters.

She is an ambassador for the McGrath Foundation and a strong supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness.

Keep reading our Mum vs Life series here: Bianca Kristallis

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