My mum is hilariously brutal.
She comes up with THE WORST parenting advice of all time constantly. From the moment I fell pregnant she’s been delivering zingers like this:
“Breastfeeding hurts like hell. Probably best not to do it.”
“You’ll never hate your husband more than in that first year.”
“Yes kids are cute but boy do they smell. Powder their backsides. That helps.”
“You will never get on top of the housework, ever.”
“Feed them from a jar. That way you have some time to rest instead of making food.”
“School mums are maniacs. Make sure you don’t volunteer for anything.”
And she repeats them, over and over and over again. It’s gotten to the point where I simply don’t introduce her to any friends who are expecting. She actually wrote about hating your husband on a note at a baby shower. We all had to write down one piece of advice and pin it onto a onesie, and she wrote that! It was anonymous but I was mortified.
Look, she does have a point, and I know her heart is in the right place. But I prefer to maintain the illusion (delusion) that being a mum is all soft baby cheeks, kissing heads, goo goos and ga gas. I know the rest is part of it too, but what’s the point of worrying about it? Even if you do try and warn expectant mums of the impending challenges, they don’t really listen. That baby bubble is pretty strong. There’s not much that will burst through that.
So I’ve recently returned to part time work and I’m really understanding the concept of juggling the demands of work and motherhood. Strangely, I find myself turning to my mum. Something about her bluntness, her lack-of-delusion and her practical advice appeals to me when I’m ‘in the trenches’.