
‘Sleeping Beauty’ mum gave birth to her son while asleep.

Giving birth is an experience some women wish they couldn’t remember.

But Jody Robson couldn’t recall it if she wanted to – because she slept through it.

The 24-year-old from Birmingham in the UK believes she suffers from rare neurological disorder Kleine Levine Syndrome (known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome), which causes sufferers to sleep for days or weeks on end.

Ms Robson said she fell into a deep sleep the day before she went into labour with her firstborn and slept through the experience, recovering fully two-and-a-half weeks later.

When she woke, her husband had to introduce her to her son, Harley, and explain what happened.

“My oldest son, I don’t remember his birth at all,” she told Barcroft TV.

Watch her interview here:

Video via Barcroft TV

“It upsets me because I don’t remember giving birth and it’s supposed to be a precious moment,”

“I think that’s the most upsetting episode I ever had. It gets me emotional because I missed it.”

Last Christmas Eve she fell asleep and didn’t wake until January 12, 2015, Metro reports.

“I don’t remember anything about Christmas,” Ms Robson said.

“I remember the run up to Christmas, putting up the decorations and shopping but I don’t remember anything after finishing work on Christmas Eve.”

mum slept through birth
Jody completely slept through Christmas last year. Image via Barcroft TV.

She said the worst thing was feeling like she was missing out on the lives of her two young sons.

“I honestly feel that I am sleeping through my children’s lives I have missed out on so much,” Ms Hobson said.

“The first year with your first child is really special and I missed out on it. I had seven episodes the first year Harley was born.”

Her 29-year-old husband, Steven, said the condition puts a strain on their relationship because he needs help looking after their two boys.


When she is in her deep sleeps, he wakes her up twice a day to eat and go to the bathroom, then she falls asleep again.

mum slept through birth
Jody has been suffering from the sleeping disorder since she was 12 years old. Image via Barcroft TV.

At times, Ms Hobson can appear as if she is awake, but acts like a different person, he said.

She said it can take up to three weeks to fully recover from the ‘episodes’, of which she has suffered about 50, and her husband needs to fill her in on what she has missed out on.

Despite the disruptive condition, doctors are yet to officially diagnose Ms Hobson.

“I just want a diagnosis so I can get some help,” she said.

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